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  1. Jmarglon

    cooking cooking time for sauce

    Lucky Dog, you chop and add ingredients then pasteurize before blending? Then bring up to 190 for 10 min again after blending? Love your sauce. Met you at Hayward market many years ago and bought my first few of many bottles. Gracias!
  2. Jmarglon

    pH Citric acid to lower ph?

    That’s the perfect idea. I always connotate pineapple with sugar, which is around 7 ph. I just looked up pineapple juice ph and I didn’t know it was so low! Thanks for the tip. I love this site so much.
  3. Jmarglon

    pH Citric acid to lower ph?

    After a cooked batch, I often find myself at a ph around 4.8-5.0 depending of course what I choose to add. I usually end up adding limes to lower ph to a figure below 4.6. I believe that citric acid is used to lower ph, but how much will this affect taste? I assume it will be tart, but will a...
  4. Jmarglon

    Steps to ensure safe hot sauce

    Of course great info from this site. I’ve always cooked at 180f for at least 10 min for both cooked and fermented sauce, then hot inversion bottling. No bad experiences or explosions! Thx
  5. Jmarglon

    fermenting Can I reuse leftover brine entirely?

    Thank you all. This site always comes through. Aloha.
  6. Jmarglon

    fermenting Can I reuse leftover brine entirely?

    I just did a new ferment and reused about 3 cups of my last brine, which I had refrigerated. There was so much brine, I didn’t need to add a fresh salt/water combo to it. i want to know if this will ferment ok. Thank you!
  7. Jmarglon

    consistency Possibly Losing volume while using Vitamix

    Thanks for all the info. God I love this website!
  8. Jmarglon

    consistency Possibly Losing volume while using Vitamix

    Ok so the mixing with a whisk does work while and after Pasteurizing. There’s still some loss in the Woozy neck, but overall an improvement. Appreciated!
  9. Jmarglon

    consistency Possibly Losing volume while using Vitamix

    10-4. I’m already filling to the very top and I’m losing the whole Woozy neck. I’ll try the Vacuum and key you know how she goes. Aloha to you all for responding!
  10. Jmarglon

    consistency Possibly Losing volume while using Vitamix

    I blend then Pasteurize. Then I hot-bottle/invert. Was thinking the air was still in it after Pasteurizing? Just not sure. Thanks for the question- it’s a good one.
  11. Jmarglon

    consistency Possibly Losing volume while using Vitamix

    Hola, I use a Vitamix to blend. I do the hot bottling inversion process. I have noticed I lose about the entire neck of a 5oz. Woozy once the sauce cools. Is this because of too much oxygen in the sauce, possibly caused by the Vitamix? I have a vacuum blender too. I assume I can try to place...
  12. Jmarglon

    consistency Possibly Losing volume while using Vitamix

    Hola, I use a Vitamix to blend. I do the hot bottling inversion process. I have noticed I lose about the entire neck of a 5oz. Woozy once the sauce cools. Is this because of too much oxygen in the sauce, possibly caused by the Vitamix? I have a vacuum blender too. I assume I can try to place...
  13. Jmarglon

    Scorpion leaves turning brown, wilting

    Hi all, my Scorpion plant was just transferred to a large pot yesterday; the leaves on the upper portion of the plant are turning brown and wilting a bit.  I bought a water meter and it said WET yesterday, so I’m gonna lay off watering for a few days.  Can the over-watering be the case?  I was...
  14. Jmarglon

    fermenting Use Dehydrated peppers to avoid fermentation?

    I think you’re Vitamix is great for getting the texture I want, but it creates a lot of air.  I’m researching vacuum mixers now to eliminate air. What do you mean by “get a suction, compress and then expand when you open the bottles”?    I’m open to try anything to remedy this...
  15. Jmarglon

    fermenting Use Dehydrated peppers to avoid fermentation?

    Thanks- I’ve pretty much deduced that I need to increase vinegar and step up my sanitizing game. I’ve had both high-pressure geysers and a small bubble up-and-over the bottles.    AzJohn, you mentioned ”Negative pressure from the hot sauce cooling could cause it to burp when you open it and if...
  16. Jmarglon

    Ph tester recommendation needed

    Hi Heady- I’m not a fermenter myself; I simply couldn’t help you here. There’s so much great’ll have no problem if you continue in the Hot Sauce Making forums.  Good luck! 
  17. Jmarglon

    Ph tester recommendation needed

    I make small batch hot sauce and looking for a recommendation for a ph tester under $50 if possible.  Thx!  
  18. Jmarglon

    Sauce explosion problem- need help!

    Forgot to ask- any recommendations for a ph tester? I see them from $30-150.  All over the board! Thx 
  19. Jmarglon

    Sauce explosion problem- need help!

    Salsalady, The batch makes about 30 oz.     12 Guajillo dried 25 arbol dried 5 habanero 1 cup white vin 1 onion  dried spices  salt 1 T pumpkin seeds raw 4-5 cups water    Process: -Rehydrate dried peppers while pan searing the onion (utilizing 1 tsp Avocado oil) -Once peppers soft, add all...
  20. Jmarglon

    Sauce explosion problem- need help!

    Thanks all for your input.  I definitely have acidity added (1 cup white distilled) in the recipe.  I admittedly do not have a ph tester, but will now purchase.  I’ve deduced that it must have been that I let the batch cool down to room temp before simmering at 200 for 20 minutes.  Either that...