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  1. Boost313

    RIP Pepperproblem :(

    Wishing the best for his family. An for his passion in peppers to be carried on. By the ones here that truely knew him. He will be missed.
  2. Boost313

    *Funny product reviews*

    Didn't know ther were so many of these! 5.0 out of 5 stars Mom proudly displays Dad Dr. Stool “Stock Proctologist” (Happy Acres HOA Retirement Community, Florida) Mom proudly displays Dad in this urn in her assisted living apartment. After keeping Dad in a cardboard cylinder in the garage...
  3. Boost313

    *Funny product reviews*

    3.0 out of 5 stars Great lesson for the kids! By: loosenut (Seattle, WA) This review is from: Playmobil Security Check Point (Toy) I was a little disappointed when I first bought this item, because the functionality is limited. My 5 year old son pointed out that the passenger’s shoes cannot be...
  4. Boost313

    *Funny product reviews*

    Fixed the title.. Its a great portable music solution This review is from: Yodelling Yodel Pickle TOY Novelty Retro Gag Gift (Toy) I loaned my iPod to my kid and he broke it. This understandably bummed me out, since I really enjoy taking long walks on the beach while listening to some...
  5. Boost313

    *Funny product reviews*

    Lol, they would surely get the job done. An with the adrenaline rush of the VEET. It should speed up your ninja skills rather quickly!
  6. Boost313

    *Funny product reviews*

    Yea had to read it a few times myself! Lol
  7. Boost313

    *Funny product reviews*

    THIS IS AN ACTUAL CUSTOMER REVIEW FROM A MAN ON AMAZON.CO.UK AFTER USING VEET HAIR REMOVAL CREAM FOR MEN. I ACTUALLY HAD TEARS ROLLING DOWN MY FACE WHILE READING IT!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOO FUNNY!!!: After having been told my danglies looked like an elderly Rastafarian I decided to take the plunge...
  8. Boost313


    Have a Happy Birthday man!
  9. Boost313

    True story: New Mexico Chili Cook off

    Sorry, had to steal and post else where. This had me lol'ing at work.
  10. Boost313

    For those who use ProMix BX

    This year I'm using a mix I found online. It consists of 40% Promix BX 25% Perlite 20% Worm Castings 10% Composted steer manure 5% Bat guano 2 T. Of Espoma garden lime ( 1 T. per gallon of soil mix) So far it has worked very well when transplanted into. Plants really took off. An I plan on...
  11. Boost313

    misc inadvertent increases in heat?

    Welcome! An growing to close make the mild ones hotter, no. Or at least never has with mine. I think what people mean is growing to close. They have the chances of cross pollinating. Meaning if you collected the seeds this year to grow next year. You stand a chance of getting a hydrid mix of the...
  12. Boost313

    Tell me about "Chocolate" varieties

    I have grown and tasted the normal red bhuts and chocolates. An also orange, red carribbean and jamaican hot chocolate habs. I find the choc's still retain most of the underlying bhut and hab flavour. Just with a more earthy tone. Guess the best way to describe it is kind of like mushrooms and...
  13. Boost313

    burn it all!

    Not sure about the PH level and others issues brought up. But have always seen the old timers here in Ga burn their lawns. They say it adds nutrients and kills last years weed seeds (sort of a cheap pre-emergent with out chemicals) I would also till it in afterwards as, others have suggested...
  14. Boost313

    4 week old Banana Pepper Plants losing leaves

    Really wished a more experienced grower would've done responded to this. As I am also going threw the same thing with my chocolate bells this year. An the only thing I can figure is the soil is spent (already gave up all nutes available) now needing routine ferts. Or they're root bound. My...
  15. Boost313

    sun Yellow Sunburn?

    +1 with everything Geeme said. Everytime I see fert burn, it first effects the top new center growth (if not too fert burnt) Which then it shows around the leaf edges. An seeing as you just repotted it bigger pots and some fresher soil. They shouldn't need fert's that often. An when I repotted...
  16. Boost313

    soil Question bout mold on top of soil....

    Think I read some where mold on top of pots could be an underlying issue. Maybe this site or another. Possibly meaning root rot. Bottom water and haven't quite figured out when's long enough. As when I see the first sign of moisture on top, I pull and drain. Yet mold forms in the next 24 hours...
  17. Boost313

    Sorry for the double post/working with mobile phone!

    Sorry for the double post.
  18. Boost313

    Thanks for the b-day wish man.

    Thanks for the b-day wish man.
  19. Boost313

    my sick peach bhut... help!?!?

    Meant on a public pepper growing forum like here. Looking for advice. Then just seeming like what some of the longer more experienced members mentioned couldn't be the prooblem. May not be that way. That's just how I read it. I've learnt first hand you can go and do way to much when trying to...
  20. Boost313

    my sick peach bhut... help!?!?

    I agree with the first two posters. That soil looks way too wet. Over watering will also make plants droop and loose leaves. An how are you watering? As from the top it would look that wet, but leave the bottom still soggy. (to many factors can be the problem: heat,soil,watering,ferts,lights...