Search results

  1. mega

    Found ProMix BX

    Pooper - yeah, I think TomatoTone is available at WalMart, and at Lowes. Not sure about HDepot. Most of the nurseries around here sell it, in the organics sections. I think it's a pretty established product at gardening stores; most should have it. I bought in online in a case, which was a...
  2. mega

    Has anyone ever used Plant Tone?

    I've used Plant Tone. It's probably about the same as Tomato Tone, in terms of end-results. However, the 3-4-4 vs. 3-4-6 only tells part of the story; if you look at the specific ingredients between the two (which is online at their site) you'll see they're a bit different.
  3. mega

    Found ProMix BX

    I toss in a big scoop of TomatoTone, mix it all up, and stick a pepper in it - that's all! Last year I tried mixing in about 1/3 compost, but the results were not as good as the pots that only had ProMix and TomatoTone. I'm thinking that compost is too heavy/dense and that the peppers really...
  4. mega

    seeds Promix Potting & Seedling Mix

    imho, nothing else is the equal of ProMix. I've tried a lot of different combinations of ingredients, and ProMixBX blows them all away in terms of plant production. I think it's the mycorizae, since I've replicated all the other ingredients in my own mixes, to lesser effect. Also, ProMix is pH...
  5. mega

    Anyone See New Pro-Mix Bales at Home Depot?

    I'm in Northern Virginia, and I've found a store, run by weird, eccentric people and very hard to find off the main road, which sells the 3.8cu bales for $30, cash only (LOL). I make my pilgrimmage every year there with $90 in hand, and my many 12" pepper pots are loaded with the good stuff all...
  6. mega

    What I have learned in 2011

    Learning point: Neighbors who say "Oh, that pepper plant looks fun, can I have one?" have no idea what they're getting into, and should be pre-armed with the peanut butter trick sometime prior to harvesting.
  7. mega

    This does not look good

    Looks like too much fert to me. Possibly too much water too, but mainly looks like over-fertilization. Try flushing them out and then repotting up? Or at least with one or a few, to see if you get some good results.
  8. mega

    seeds how long to leave seed heater mats on?

    another +1 for cmpman. Turn that heat mat OFF as soon as most of your babies have popped through the soil line. The heat is only to get them to pop. Or if you want, set it on a timer and set the heat to around 70 degrees but so that it shuts off at night and cools down. The 80-85 degrees...
  9. mega

    how long should Bondas take to sprout?

    Greetings, friends. Thanks for all the replies. Well, it's Day 13, and this morning, 3 of my 12 Bondas had popped their little green heads above the soil line! I'm psyched. I guess there's a reason why "pepper" and "patience" are near each other in the dictionary. btw these Bonda seeds...
  10. mega

    how long should Bondas take to sprout?

    I'm getting concerned...Day 11 for me, and most of my other seeds have sprouted, with the typical 85 % germination rate. I have 12 Bonda Ma Jaques seeds and NOT ONE has broken ground yet. Anyone have experience with this cultivar - is it just very slow to get going?
  11. mega

    Any pot growers?

    I think the 12" pots have been working great for my C. chinenses. The 14"s I only used for ajis, tomatoes, serranos, and the occasional large-pod sweet pepper. Here is a pic of a bunch of my peppers from last year in 12" pots; about half were chinenses, including the red hab in the lower left...
  12. mega

    Any pot growers?

    I grow about 40 peppers per year, roughly half in pots and half in the ground. Personally, I enjoy growing them in pots more - I find it easier to control things. For instance, a massive thunderstorm can be thwarted by opening a big umbrella and nudging all the pots under it. A bug...
  13. mega

    Baffled rookie needs help!

    One of my 4 planting areas last year had the MG Organic. The plants were 1/2 normal size, and the pod counts were ridiculously low, like 8-10 pods each instead of the 30-40 I normally get. That stuff is bad news. I generally try to use only ProMix BX, which delivers far superior results.
  14. mega

    Mega's Grow Log (2011 [3rd year]

    Hi friends! Thought I would do the Grow Log thing this year. Today (March 9, 2011) I whittled down my planting list from 15-16 packs to fit them into Burpee's 12x6 planting cells kit. I am going for a general mix of sweet, medium, and some hot peppers this year, since my wife and neighbors...
  15. mega

    When to start feeding

    I give them a weak dose of a weak fert (like 1/4 strength fish emulsion) at the 2nd set of true leaves, and then every week or so after that. It's pretty helpful not to overwater or overfertilize them at the seedling stage. As they get toward transplant at about 6-7 weeks, I up it to 1/2...
  16. mega

    Noob Needs some suggestions

    "I wore my Huggies in the garden to see if that would make the pods grow bigger. Doesn't work on plants, either."
  17. mega

    Noob Needs some suggestions

    hmm..the Hottie would be OK for hot sauce, but probably wouldn't be my first choice. I prefer red/caribbean habs for sauces. Hotties are really cool thrown into bottles of vodka, though. Just stuff about 1/2 dozen of them in a bottle of Stoli, wait 3-4 weeks, and ... magic! They're also...
  18. mega

    Noob Needs some suggestions

    Maryland is a good climate for growing peppers. I'm next door in Virginia - it might be slightly warmer here, but not enough to make a huge difference. Peppers really dig the warm but not scorching summers here. 2 1/2 gallon pots are really not sufficient. You'll get "something" out of that...
  19. mega

    Fish Emulsion

    The strength of the dookie-ness depends on the brand. Alaska Fish Emulsion smells pretty bad. Neptune Fish or Fish & Seaweed has a very weak smell, barely detectable in comparison to the Alaska. Etc.
  20. mega

    fertilizer What's the best fertilizer for peppers

    TomatoTone has everything peppers need to grow. If you look at the ingredients list on it, it contains pretty much everything that people talk about on these boards for pepper feeding - kind of an all-in-1 solution. I use only TomatoTone and Neptune's Harvest fish+seaweed. The latter is great...