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  1. R

    tv What Are You Watching Right Now?

    I just saw an episode of a show called We Are The Champions on Netflix about chili eating. Smokin' Ed holds a contest for eating peppers and Carolina Reaper comes out at number 6 so the remaining peppers are from the chest he supposedly has waiting in case somebody ever tops the reaper.
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    music Original music

    This would go well in a video game.
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    music What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    I forgot all about this song. It's great to hear a song about loss that's about trying to feel better rather than wallowing in misery.
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    What color should Scotch Bonnets be..?

    Aren't the overwhelming majority of bonnets yellow?
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    Maradona is dead

    Oh soccer. No wonder I didn't know...
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    Maradona is dead

    Can I get some more information on this? I'm beyond out of the loop.
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    heat Pure capsaicin crystal dilution/SHU question

    So wait... this stuff provides extreme heat without the metallic food ruining flavor of extracts!?   I'd love to power up some Marie Sharp's Fiery Hot, Frank's or maybe add it to The Last Dab since so many people want to brag by calling it underwhelming.
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    THP is the only "Social Media" I use.

    Maybe people should punish the government by posting a bunch of really disgusting but technically legal stuff.
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    THP is the only "Social Media" I use.

    I see social media as the stuff you use your actual name on and your family and relatives all try to add you.....and your God damn boss..   I just use Reddit and this. Since I'm an opinionated asshole, I'm regularly "removed" from Reddit anyway so no account ever lasts really long.
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    music What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Anyone else been eating Member Berries?
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    Calpoly Pamona Nursery - California Reapers, or not?

    Well from what I understand, the pods don't start growing mostly a certain phenotype until they're stabilized or nearly stabilized and since everyone seems to want to release their crosses before they're "done"....
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    Calpoly Pamona Nursery - California Reapers, or not?

    It's a cross between the red reaper and Jay's peach ghost scorpion and it's one of the most delicious and hands down the hottest peach pod I've ever had.
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    off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

    Does anyone else read a lot of these posts in Casey Kasem's voice?
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    not sure if these are Carolina Reapers

    That many peppers and you haven't just eaten one yet? If it's a Reaper, you'll know.
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    What are some pepper's with very unique characteristics?

    Obligatory immature post.  
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    Morons once again doing what morons do best

    This was a thread about toilet paper and greed. It feels like my ADHD is contagious and I spread it to the forum. lol
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    Morons once again doing what morons do best

    So stock up on things casually. Rather than getting several at once, get the usual amount but don't wait until you're nearly out to do it again.   You'll end up with way more than enough over time and you won't be one of those assholes that is out there acting like they're on Supermarket Sweep.
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    I believe it but...   I'm betting it HAS to be bad to eat chilis on an empty stomach.
  19. R

    wanted Looking for Chocolate Bhutlah DM (Dave Minor).

    Once all of the different growers stabilize the Lemon Starrburst the way they want to, are we going to see people requesting those with initials involved as well and there be confusion on the differences and all of that just like this? Maaaaan, Ii wish people would just stabilize their stuff...