• We welcome content that is not political, divisive, or offensive. If we feel your content leans this way or has the potential to, it may be removed at any time. A hot pepper forum is not the place for such content. Thank you for respecting the community!

THP is the only "Social Media" I use.

     My wife and I have been hounded by her family for years to join faceplant "just to share pictures and stuff". I always thought to myself "I see you people once a year and that's plenty.", but we always just told them we don't like all the data mining and underhanded shit they do. They used to basically scoff at us for being paranoid. :rofl:
     If I want to talk to a friend or family member, there's nothing wrong with a phone call or email. Faceplant seems to promote talking at people. If I really want to look at pics of your kids, I'll ask you to mail some to me.  :rolleyes: 
Especially if you plan to do events like i'm doing. "insert company name" will be at the main street farmers market this Thursday! Come check us out! First 25 customers get a free *something*! Or "like us on facebook for a chance to win a FREE sampler pack of our full line of sauces!". Whatever, you get the point. Love it or hate it, you need it. You'll be hard pressed to find ANY company that doesn't have a social media account nowadays
I only do gardening forums, the other stuff is too much work. And don't have much to sell. I sold excess honey through my wife at the gyms she goes to. Now I'm getting chickens. Same distribution chain for eggs.
I can't speak to Zuckerberg, I don't have a personal facebook page. I did create one for business as it is most helpful there. I will say, as I have in other posts here, that facebook has been a boon for me. I hunt down and arrest "wanted" people for a living. Exclusively since 1997... It was once very difficult, requiring hours, weeks or even months of investigation to find some people. Now, most of my investigation time is done at a computer via facebook. Many folks so flippantly post things on facebook, it allows me to easily find and arrest them and often times provides great evidence for the crimes they are being sought. I admit that it swells my stats considerably, but it has also taken out much of the "fun" or the challenge of the "hunt." 
I'm a "little dude" in the governmental scheme of things and have access to various database tools that allow me to do searches for folks. What is availed to me "legally" would baffle many. In the digital world, not much is safe or secretive. I "assume" it gets greater further up the ladder. Edward Snowden, at his peril, pointed this out. I'm an oldschool constitutionalist and it sometimes puts me at odds with folks. I won't opine further, but know that as best I can tell from my limited perspective and constraints, that "everything" transmitted digitally is captured somewhere, by somebody and available for use for whatever reason by those who have access to it.
Real advice from a real dude. Take from it what you will. I shall say no more of it.
If y'all haven't watch "Social dilemma" on netflix. I s
Strongly suggest doing so. This documentary is what brought me back to this forum. (I used to be active here while doing hot sauce reviews for a channel called "heataddicts"). The documentary is an eye opener and caused me to instantly stop using most social media. This of course put me in a bind as I cut myself off from the fermented hot sauce groups and pepper growing groups that I was fond of on Facebook. Back to THP. And life is better because of it.
I don't use any social media other than this forum.

People don't realize that digital privacy doesn't exist. They don't know about Fusion Centers or the software that tracks phones, people, vehicles and more.

If I told ya you wouldn't believe me unless you were or knew a LEO.

I don't even take notes on my cell phone or laptop. I write everything down on paper notes and I use a personal short-hand and abbreviations to do it.

Facebook is good for marketing however there is no privacy with it whatsoever.

Never text, PM or email anything you don't want strangers to see and read.
Max Nihil said:
I don't use any social media other than this forum.

People don't realize that digital privacy doesn't exist. They don't know about Fusion Centers or the software that tracks phones, people, vehicles and more.

If I told ya you wouldn't believe me unless you were or knew a LEO.

I don't even take notes on my cell phone or laptop. I write everything down on paper notes and I use a personal short-hand and abbreviations to do it.

Facebook is good for marketing however there is no privacy with it whatsoever.

Never text, PM or email anything you don't want strangers to see and read.
People's ignorance is why I suggested the documentary. It goes into detail how something as simple as a like button can have bad effects on human kind. Plus the AIs are learning with every click. The systems are controlling us and the longer I'm off facebook the more I see it.
I see social media as the stuff you use your actual name on and your family and relatives all try to add you.....and your God damn boss..
I just use Reddit and this. Since I'm an opinionated asshole, I'm regularly "removed" from Reddit anyway so no account ever lasts really long.
A number of social media sites, cell phone companies and OS makers for PCs... put out fake press to make it seem like you have privacy when you actually don't.

Giving people a false sense of security goes a long way towards exploiting their data.

We are close to a point where the line between private companies and government barely exists anymore despite the Public Relations campaigns of both.

That makes me hesitant to participate whatsoever with such companies merely due to the ethical problems of the situation.
Ruid said:
I just use Reddit and this. Since I'm an opinionated asshole, I'm regularly "removed" from Reddit anyway so no account ever lasts really long.
Hahahahaha...  Relatable :)
I love watching Reddit half-wits who give a shit about being "up voted".  How stupid did we become, as a society, that we expend so much energy playing (to win) games that have no prizes!  :crazy:
Max Nihil said:
People don't realize that digital privacy doesn't exist. They don't know about Fusion Centers or the software that tracks phones, people, vehicles and more.

If I told ya you wouldn't believe me unless you were or knew a LEO.
The one thing that I do believe, is that I probably wouldn't believe you.  I am currently a tech consultant at one of the biggest tech companies in the country.  Lay down your cards, and let's see what comes up on the bullshit meter. 
I mean, I don't disagree that there is no privacy.  There isn't, and that's virtually indisputable (data breaches are a way of life).  I just think that you spend way more of your life buried in a book or internet page, than actually dealing with the subjects that you speak of, and your comments are mere regurgitation.  I could be wrong.  But I strongly suspect that you're laying a harder claim to knowledge of this subject than what you actually possess.  A quick Google search would tell you that you're sensationalizing.  Pew Research indicates that the vast majority of people, in fact, do not believe that digital privacy exists, contrary to the implication residing in the unqualified suggestion that you've made.  Then, your suggestion that you hold some uncommon knowledge, that is hidden to the sleepy eyes of the public, warrants examination.  It's very difficult to know anything about proprietary technology, unless you are an insider.  And even when you know it exists, and know the basic premise of the technology, it is literally impossible to know the nuances, to be able to discuss it in any rational manner, unless you are a developer, technician, or primary user.  Further, even well documented, consumer grade products, in the public domain, are grossly misrepresented, by a minority of self-proclaimed savvies.
So what do you know about such things?
Full disclosure: I occasionally write basic machine learning algorithms and neural networks.  And I work with some very prominent data scientists and software architects, on an almost daily basis (I could literally ask one of them a technical question, in real time).  One of my early mentors on the subject was a foundational team member of the "YOLO" (You Only Look Once) app, and is currently one of the prominent experts in the field.  My reach into the subject encompasses industrial applications, including unmanned flight, software backbone processes, and robotics.