Yes, its been an interesting year. I have Green Morugas producing beautiful Caramel Morugas. I have Caramel Morugas producing Brown or Chocolate Morugas. Then I have my favorite pepper as of 2014, the Yellow Fatalii that went Red last year (Red Fatalii Not) with awesome heat and taste, having...
Those would be interesting as a powder or flake. I wonder how much of the smokey raisin flavor they would retain. I love their raw taste, so I just cut a bunch of mine into rings last night along with a couple of other varieties and placed them into a simple brine. Let us know how the powder...
Nice review, you took it better than I thought you would. Awesome looking pepper, reminds me of Jays Peach in shape and texture. Also nice stag handle custom knife. Keep them reviews coming. Good job.
Man that's a lot of beef! Ok I'm just going to ask. What does WSM stand for. Every time I see it here I think Winchester Short Magnum. Which I use to get the meat.