Search results

  1. SL3

    Hello from NH

    Welcome, sounds like we may have a new pod reviewer in the making.  :D
  2. SL3

    Happy Birthday Lucky Dog Hot Sauce!

    Dang, how did I miss it! Happy Belated Birthday buddy!  :D  :D  :D
  3. SL3

    Happy Birthday ajdrew!!

    Well it is here and there is no avoiding it, so relax and enjoy it. Happy Birthday!  :D
  4. SL3

    Tongue sticking out

    So when are you going to bite that tongue? I'm curious to know if it will bite back.  :D
  5. SL3

    chinense Red Bhutlah from Chocolate Pod

    Yes, its been an interesting year. I have Green Morugas producing beautiful Caramel Morugas. I have Caramel Morugas producing Brown or Chocolate Morugas. Then I have my favorite pepper as of 2014, the Yellow Fatalii that went Red last year  (Red Fatalii Not) with awesome heat and taste, having...
  6. SL3

    powder-flake Making Aleppo pepper flakes?

    Those would be interesting as a powder or flake. I wonder how much of the smokey raisin flavor they would retain. I love their raw taste, so I just cut a bunch of mine into rings last night along with a couple of other varieties and placed them into a simple brine. Let us know how the powder...
  7. SL3

    Happy Birthday Penny, Seacowboy & backyardpepper

       :bday:   I hope you all our having a great day. 
  8. SL3

    video Video: Pod test "Lucy" 7 Pot Jonah X Naga Viper

    Nice review, you took it better than I thought you would. Awesome looking pepper, reminds me of Jays Peach in shape and texture. Also nice stag handle custom knife.  Keep them reviews coming. Good job.
  9. SL3

    Let me see your SB7J's

    Yep, that one on the left is just begging you for a kiss!  :D
  10. SL3

    Progressive Convict Contest

    "0022"  :D
  11. SL3

    smoking Oldsalty competition practice ribs

    Damn! I can smell that all the way on the West Coast! You're killing me over here! SFRB please!  :drooling:
  12. SL3

    Small but colorful mystery

    I was going to say Jalapeno Multi Color, but they all go Purple before changing to other colors. Not sure what you have there.
  13. SL3

    Stung-Tongue's MORUGUM™ chile

    Ah yes! Another Mad Scientist joins our club. I hope you accomplish everything you said above. Keep it up. I would love to sample one sometime.  :D
  14. SL3

    Pickled and Canned Jalapeño Pepper Rings

    Yes. a little Sugar in my vinegar, that's what I'm missing!
  15. SL3

    Hi From Spain

    Welcome from Southern California. Spain is a great place to grow peppers. Nice to have you here.
  16. SL3

    104 here today, with a nice hot breeze.

    104 here today, with a nice hot breeze.
  17. SL3

    smoking 27.4lb brisket on 18" WSM

    Man that's a lot of beef! Ok I'm just going to ask. What does WSM stand for. Every time I see it here I think Winchester Short Magnum. Which I use to get the meat. 
  18. SL3

    Habanero Pepper Jelly

    Sounds good. Just had some Jelly made with SB Caribbean Red and it was great. Nice tips at the end. Thanks
  19. SL3

    Happy birthday Barley-pop57!

    Happy Birthday!
  20. SL3

    vendor 1lucky1972 eBay review...
