I'm trying small batches this is the 1st jar 1 pint nothing special yet just Brazilian Starfish garlic onion and carrot will add some spices when I pasteurize used a 2TBS to 2 cup brine but looks like it only took 1 cup of brine . Added a TBS of kraut juice, I guess we will see if it works !
Now I get it I was thinking mash was just the ground up peppers and still needed brine , Thank you for helping me understand the difference lol
So with a true mash you just suck out the O2 and no need for it to he under brine or glass weight ?
All Brizian Starfish planted at the same day 4 in pots 1 in ground all watered the same . The 1 inground has just as many pods as the ones in pots. Only diffrence is the one inground doesn't get as much Sunlight as the pots .All came from the same seed source .
Can you guess which peppers were grown in pots and which was grown in the ground ? The ones grown In The ground are taking longer to ripen though only 2 so far.
I'm going to pick peppers throw them in a blender chop them up place them in a jar and cover them in a brine and place a glass weight on top not sure what I'm missing or not understanding lol I guess I need a 3% brine for that ?
Or if I just add the salt to the finely chopped mash and suck the...
That chart might as well be written in French now I feel stupid lol
When it says 6-8% by weight is that the weight of your mash ? If your mash is for example 200 g would that mean ad 12 g salt for a 6% brine ? Is that per quart of water ? 12g salt per quart water = 6% brine ? Ok I'm just...
Thanks for the info I finally got back around to growing some peppers this year and want to try and ferment pint size batches with Black Cobra and Brazilian Starfish hoping for a good out come !
I've tried to read the fermenting 101 thread but came away more confused.
What is a simple ratio salt to water ?
Is one Table spoon of salt per cup water good enough ? Do you add a bit of vinegar after the ferment is finished ? Is it OK to add spices in the beginning or should you wait till...
I'm beginning to thing that Aphids germinate with the Peppers , I'm in a area where you wouldn't think Aphids would be a problem because it's a apartment type of area but no I caught Aphids within a month of putting my plants outside do they have Pepper plant GPS ?
I started germinating some old seeds from 2014 back on 2-17 took them around 3 weeks to a month to sprout now my Black Cobras are around 6 inch's tall and Starfish are around 4 Inch's tall . How Fast do Starfish grow is this normal or am i just watering stunted plants ? If so how do I un-stunt...
Yep I'm on my second round of planting everything is stunted ripped up my eggplant, zucchini and cucumbers and replanted My corn is only 3 feet tall and it's tasseling already thinking of ripping it out and replanting it too, also growing asparagus for the 1st time it's under shade cloth as...