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  1. J

    raised-bed Need cool ideas for raised beds!
  2. J

    raised-bed Need cool ideas for raised beds!
  3. J

    2'x6' Grow Closet With 8 Tube 432 Watt Quantum BadBoy T5 Fluorescent Light - An Ongoing Log

    it will work great. I use a mix of Warm / Cool for starting everything inside - and I know the light I use would bring everything to full maturity - i've had small tomatoes form on a couple plants that I left under as experimentation. The Scrog is a great idea and one that i always thought...
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    fermenting Habanero mash Hot Sauce

    I have to add - For anyone looking to make a hobo airlock - some guys will use a balloon with a pin hole in it when making wine. Doesn't let oxygen in, lets c02 out - you know you're fermenting when the balloon is filling with c02. Thanks for the posts!!!
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    Liquid Sauce

    Dried peppers need to be rehydrated.
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    Green Superhot Sauce. Ideas??

    What about adding tomatillos. Search googole for tomatillo salsa recipes - they are AMAZINGLY tasty and you could get some great ideas from there. I have a friend who makes a green tomato salsa that is amazing.
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    Sankey Propagator

    What temps is your house / area you're going to start seeds from kept at / around? You may not even need the heat to work for you.
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    n00bie from Saskatchewan, Canada

    Thanks again all!! Great community here!
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    New in HOT peppers from Greece.

    HELLO! man - you have some amazing traditional greek dishes that use the nice HUGE greek pepperoncini. Not a 'hot' pepper per se - but still a very flavorful pepper!!! Good luck!
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    soil Recommended soil for growing Bhut's

    I use ProMix for everything. For containers you're always best off using a soiless mix - much less chance of nasties, diseases, problems etc. Lots of guys make their own mix - Peat, Perlite, Vermeculite When it comes down to it - Don't worry about it too much - there are a ton of guys who...
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    Pro Mix BX

    Anywhere in Canada. lol Canadian Tire, ROna, any greenhouse / farm and garden supply - not that it helps you much. But def check local greenhouses - they might bring it in in bulk, and might sell you some of their personal stash. I've switched many friends over to pro-mix from their old stuff.
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    health Doing it wrong? All peppers taste like bell with heat.

    Thanks for the responses everyone - I appreciate it! Ok - I'll let them ripen! One thing that confuses me - Jalepeno. You always see them green, eat them green - Do they have to be a more 'ripe' version of green? haha Jon
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    Choosing a Grow Light

    You don't need to worry about expensive flouro tubes for growing. You'll actually get more lumens out of the regular stuff - What you do is shoplight - 4footers. then alternate warm and cool to help cover the spectrum. I use this method for all my seedlings, and get much nicer seedlings...
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    health Doing it wrong? All peppers taste like bell with heat.

    Ok everyone - I need some help here. Last year, grew a bunch of different peppers - same with this. I think I remember the same thing last year - the peppers I tried, Tam Jalepeno, Serrano Del sol, Mariachi, Alma paprika, Black hungarian, Chimayo yadda yadda - All taste like bell peppers...
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    overwintering Transplanting from garden to pot for winter

    No problems man - from what I've been reading. You want to cut your pepper down, above the new growth line. So above where new leaves or stems will off shoot to give it the best chance of survival. You'll be cutting some roots around the plant, and underneath, but that's ok. Take er inside...
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    recipe-help dill pickle recipe ?

    Throw a Cayenne pepper in each jar - spices things up nice - Also good to do when you pickle carrots, asparagus etc.
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    food Pizza from the garden!

    You need a brick oven outside now. Or a clay oven which is easier to build. Looks awesome!
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    Was my 1st Sauce attempt unsafe!?

    GREAT GREAT LINK! Thanks so much! I'll give the whole thing a read this weekend or when I have time!
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    n00bie from Saskatchewan, Canada

    WOW! Lots of responses! Thanks ALL! Manitoba! Close! How's your growing going this year? I'm in the ground, I think I need to jump to pots next year! Minnesota! Probably face the same sort of short season issues! Thanks for the Welcome All! Just harvested about 6 cayennes, 1 large...
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    n00bie from Saskatchewan, Canada

    THANKS! Yup - did a little facebook creep - same city! haha. Looking forward to learning more, tasting more, experimenting more and sharing with everyone! I forgot to say sweating more.