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  1. Kramer

    fermenting Slow Fermenting Mash

    Thanks for your input, Mike. Yeah, I don't really want to open it either, but I don't mind losing a ferment here or there if I can learn a thing or two. It still puzzles me why some ferments just fire right up and others don't, using the same process, same pods from same plants, the whole...
  2. Kramer

    fermenting Slow Fermenting Mash

    Greetings pepper friends. I've been experimenting a lot more with mashes this year since it's more convenient than chopping a gazillion pods. Despite trying to be as consistent as possible, the consistency of results has been a bit over the place. Some mashes stay mostly solid, some separate...
  3. Kramer

    pod Freak fruit that's a different colour

    Yeah, there's not much there that reminds me of a ghost.  Interesting find though.
  4. Kramer

    Kramer Grew a Pepper (Maybe)

      Thank you CD.  And you are right.  It has been a very cool place to chill and as of lately grow.  Both peppers and as a person as a result.  I'm leaving behind not only a deck, but the two most important people in my life.  It is, even for me, emotional.  But it is for the better.  Everything...
  5. Kramer

    Kramer Grew a Pepper (Maybe)

    Hello chili friends.  It has been awhile; life took a turn and ended up buying a house, and all of the fun that goes with it.  I am excited though as this will be the final year of the deck and we will graduate to a more spacious back yard area.  Yay.   Plants have put on a lot of size and...
  6. Kramer

    heat Eating whole peppers....or using them in dishes...heat difference as opposed to hot sauces?

    I think you'll find eating peppers to be hotter more often than not because most commercial sauces using those peppers have other ingredients and/or milder peppers that essentially water down the hot pepper content.  Some even add sugar, which is thought to compete with the heat sensation and...
  7. Kramer

    ChilliCrosser Crosses

    A is very neat, the very discrete lobes is a cool look. Also curious if anything ever comes from E. I think we all appreciate nasty looking stinger tail pod, but given the parents, I really wonder what it'd taste like.
  8. Kramer

    ChilliCrosser 2021 Belated Glog

    Very nice. Your plants look very healthy, by the way. So do you primarily grow to experiment and create new peppers? I've always been intrigued by creating a new variety. Perhaps, someday. Cheers dude
  9. Kramer

    Kramer Grew a Pepper (Maybe)

    Haha, don't worry.  They've got almost a whole summer left to close the gap.  ;)   Pretty hot here past 3 days.  Hit like 94F with 50%+ humidity.  Too much for me, I'll take the single digits over that.  But, I did manage to get some much needed pruning done and cleaned up the bottom stems of...
  10. Kramer

    flavor What's the most umami pepper you've tasted?

    Really cool. I trust Neil and Charlotte's judgement too. Might have to do a little order and see what they're hitting for.
  11. Kramer

    Greetings from Norway

  12. Kramer

    disease pepper plant virus?

    What CD said. I see a couple physically damaged leaves you could snap off, but they really look great otherwise.
  13. Kramer

    pod Supposed to be Carolina Reaper

    I guessed red savina too. I've seen a lot of different reaper shapes off the same plants so far, but the one detail they all have in common is that bumpy texture. I've yet to see a smooth one. Hotter than a regular hab corroborate that a bit too, red savs are spicier. Super hot like Reaper I...
  14. Kramer

    issue What disease is this?!

    I had something different but similar in some ways already this summer. Turned leaves yellow, with browning edges, spots ranging from brown to white, and moving from bottom to top. I'll attach pic, not the same but similar to what you describe. Not enough time to diagnose, but my guess was...
  15. Kramer

    Worlds most dedicated Hot Sauce label artist

    Welcome.  Like the labels, very dark humor some of them.  Thanks for the laughs.
  16. Kramer

    raised-bed Well, 2021 Is A Wash!

    Sound advice CD. I top dress my planters a couple times throughout the season and I think it really helps. OP if you think it's nute related you could also try a liquid fertilizer for a quick injection of npk's.
  17. Kramer

    raised-bed Well, 2021 Is A Wash!

    Sorry to hear that. Why is it do you think they haven't done as well this year, compared to others? Pics?
  18. Kramer

    SKULLBIKERS Fun with peppers in 2021 GLOG

    I don't see any plants, those are absolute trees sir. Super cool. Wish I lived in a climate that would support that.
  19. Kramer

    Kramer Grew a Pepper (Maybe)

    Well y'all, it's been a few weeks so I thought I'd document some progress.   Had some pretty strong T storms past couple days but only had one plant that needed attention.  All still standing pretty proud, so that's a win.     Hot bananas are starting to look rather yellow.  Might be about time...
  20. Kramer

    pests Scotch Bonnet weird growth, aphids or could it be something else?

    Glad you posted this though since I did not know that subtle marking difference, but it is obvious. Saw this in the yard the other day and put it on a plant with aphids. Oh well..hopefully it's at least chomping on them suckers. Yet to have an issue with them inside. Stink bug, a different story.