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  1. woody3says

    I don't like guns, and gun owners are fat and scare me thread...

    I don't like guns, they scare me, and their owners are fat, angry, and only wish to feel empowered because of the lack of love their mothers gave to them as a child. Which reminds me, I think 9mm is on sale at Academy....gotta go!
  2. woody3says

    Why are my leaves turning white?

    Yes, looks like sun scald. Did you happen to water them during the day when the sun is out??? Pick off those leaves and all will be ok.
  3. woody3says

    Question regarding a rainy week

    Don't worry too much. You'll be surprised how good they will grow after rain, even heavy rain. As long as the pots drain well they will be fine.
  4. woody3says

    when should i expect to start seeing pods on my tabasco

    Great looking plant WOH
  5. woody3says

    food what to do with new mex twilight pods

    There is hardly any heat to them. They are still good for bug spray? Though you would need one with some real kick for that.
  6. woody3says

    hobbies Gamers here?

    GT5 F1 2012 in two months (have 2010)
  7. woody3says

    Large Cayennes...

    I have a friend with a golden cayenne that are huge too. They are taking forever to ripen, but be patient and it will be worth it. Here's his
  8. woody3says

    fertilizer Drip Irrigation Fertilizer Injection

    What solution did you go with? Very curious as I plan to switch over to all pots next year.
  9. woody3says

    food what to do with new mex twilight pods

    +1 that's about all they are good for.
  10. woody3says

    This sh*t is FUNNY!!!

    Nothing like bravado+stupidity for a little humor!
  11. woody3says


    Nah, sounds good to me. Good luck and enjoy your first pods!
  12. woody3says

    Bhut Jolokia bud drop

    It's the weather. Once things are to their liking they will go nuts. Don't change what you are doing.
  13. woody3says

    watering best way to keep a watering schedule...

    How many plants are we talking? If its a small amount then doing the hand water thing will work fine. If a large number, invest in a timer to run dripline/sprinklers/soaker hoses ect. I have 100 plants and run dripline. Watering every 8hrs at half a gallon each time. I have pots and plants in...
  14. woody3says

    Warning points, and BS posts

    Any openings for Mods? For the record, all I wish is the power to post as necessary: "You are an idiot. Any more of it and CTRL-ALT-DEL-your-ass-off-this-site :hell: Got it? that is all......"
  15. woody3says

    Half circles eaten in my leaves?

    How big a hole are we talking about? Could be slugs or 'pillars or hoppers :mouthonfire:
  16. woody3says

    Warning points, and BS posts

    Its a "cool it kids" warning. I seriously doubt THP has a tick box and after strike **** you are out. It is a warning to you that you have brought attention to yourself and the Boss is on the lookout. Keep it up and you will get a spankin :party: As I say, THP is quite level headed in his...
  17. woody3says

    Warning points, and BS posts

    Aye sir! There are two sides to this. THP is a benevolent dictator though. If anything I find him too light handed on the trouble makers........Master Woody would have banned SEVERAL in just the last two days. I really cant stand piss in the pool and servaral noobs apparently that and yellow...
  18. woody3says

    Warning points, and BS posts

    While I understand and agree Paul, this is also not a democracy.... THP is the first and last word and as such doesn't "owe" any of us anything, per se.
  19. woody3says

    off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

    I blame Cory for feeling like this today........damn Mojitos were awesome AND strong! Should I really be at work running machinery today??????
  20. woody3says

    Transporting plants properly?

    So you are trying to slow down growth?