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  1. Matt Berry


    I'll take one bag of chilis please......... That is amazing, wonder if it is cheaper to buy by the bag or the truckload? Puts all our harvest to shame :(
  2. Matt Berry

    Question about habanero plant

    Maybe try sprouting some of the pepper seeds using the paper towel plastic bag method. Once they sprout plant them then and see if they are the same. I'm still not convinced your peat is sterile / weed seed free.
  3. Matt Berry

    Pic's look at these bad boy's......

    It looks like you have a lot of heat there. Some say if you eat peppers really fast they are not as hot. So you could just eat one after the other really fast. You'd have to suffer through the burn of one anyways, so what is a few more?:mouthonfire:
  4. Matt Berry

    health Growing the wrong way...

    Yeah, it makes for better genetic stock if you continue a selective breeding program. They do it with livestock all the time, plus mother nature is much more cruel then we are. We tend to nurture things along that would have died under normal circumstances.
  5. Matt Berry

    Question about habanero plant

    I agree, I don't think that is a pepper plant, but it probably was a stray seed in the soil. Try growing another one, if it sprouts I'm sure it won't look like the plant you have pictured
  6. Matt Berry

    health Growing the wrong way...

    That is definetely different. Personally if it does grow / survive I wouldn't save any seeds from it as they may suffer from the same problem, that's just me though. Heck I don't even keep slow growing seedlings, if they are weak or have troubles - gone -
  7. Matt Berry

    Barrackpore 7 Pot Global Grow Log

    It's looking good. It won't be long and you'll start seeing it start to branch again from the first fork. I hear you about limited space under the lights. I have over 50 plants under 2 metal halides. They are getting big, it's been nice getting peppers in November and December though. The...
  8. Matt Berry

    Barrackpore 7 Pot Global Grow Log

    Hey Blister have you potted yours up yet? The reason why I'm asking is I've already potted mine up 2x. I'm wondering if the size difference is because of the pot sizes, lights or a combo of the 2. I measured mine from the top of the soil, the pot would add an additional 11" to the height. A lot...
  9. Matt Berry


    Your best bet will be to grow your peppers in containers. 5 gallon is a good size. You will need to invest in a light setup, shop lights are ok but metal halides are better. You'll want to start your seeds soon as in Jan - feb timeframe or else your plants won't be big enough. Peppers are pretty...
  10. Matt Berry

    overwintering So, Are any of you overwintering folks getting hammered yet?

    No aphids this year but have had some new visitors. Starting with Whitefly (believe they have been eradicated), spidermites (may also be eradicated) and thrips. Still fighting with the thrips, right now they are not as bad as aphids, but I'm still working hard spraying off plants to rid them of...
  11. Matt Berry

    Barrackpore 7 Pot Global Grow Log

    Here is a picture of my 4' reaching for the sky Barrackpore 7 pod. ;) it's not as bushy as chilimans, it's been loosing leaves because of a small infestation of thrips. They are still around, but I think they are under control. Those along with the fact it only gets so much light in the...
  12. Matt Berry

    video AJs Backyard Pepper Porn Video...last one of the year 11-30-09

    That video was amazing, it is amazing to see so many peppers and plants just every where. My outdoor season came to an end awhile ago, so it is cool seeing people who are able to still harvest something.
  13. Matt Berry

    Barrackpore 7 Pot Global Grow Log

    Sorry to hear about your bad luck boutros. I've been battling a few pests so far this year. A few of my plants in the back got hit by spider mites, I hate those nasty buggers. I also had / have a small thrips and white fly infestation. The couple of ladybug friends I had overwinter with my...
  14. Matt Berry

    pests bug invasion!!

    Wow, I have no idea what those are - we don't have those nasty things here. It is unbelievable the amount of damage they are doing, especially for such little things. What ever they are you need to destroy them quickly, or else they will destroy your peppers. Good luck, that is a lot of damage...
  15. Matt Berry

    Jalapeno Varieties - Best Option for 2010 Grow?

    I started some Jalapeno M's mid summer and they are currently producing some pods in my basement. I love the flavor of these, probably one of the best tasting Jalapeno I've tried. Size and heat wise the biker billys are a definite winner also, I grew 2 of them this year and they did very well...
  16. Matt Berry

    NO.... Thrips invasion

    I had posted earlier about one of my Purple Jalapenos with upright growing pods, and in the background were some Jalapenos M's that had a little yellowing of the leaves. At first I thought it was because they were recently moved and were still adjusting to the new light levels. Well they were...
  17. Matt Berry

    Grow Bags?

    I haven't used them specifically, but from the little I've looked into them you are suppose to just fill them with soil and put your plant in them. They are suppose to stand upright and be semi durable. I was too afraid they wouldn't hold up to being moved around, or would tear / rip after...
  18. Matt Berry

    Growing Bhi ( bhut ) Jolokia.

    I'd be careful, you don't want to overfertilize. Too much will kill your plant or even stunt it's growth. It will be counter productive and you will not achieve the results you are looking for.
  19. Matt Berry

    Strange Purple Jalapeno

    Lol.... PurpleJalapenoitis .... Sounds Serious .... Hehehe The seeds came from Tomato growers, I'm not sure what techniques if any they use to isolate their plants / seeds. Part of the reason why I started seeds from the new suppliers early. I didn't want any "real problems" when it came to...
  20. Matt Berry

    Member's Question Spotlight...

    I think mvinson took the easy way out. Instead of being thrown in the pool, he waited until no one was looking and just jumped in.