video AJs Backyard Pepper Porn Video...last one of the year 11-30-09


last video of the year for me here in North Texas...plants look like a 60 year old 10 month pregnant woman feels...wore out and loaded with children... ;)

I will be harvesting starting today until all peppers are picked...will be a chore but a work of love...

hope you enjoy...

It will be sad to see it all gone. what will the yard look like when all gone? Save Some Choc Habajolokia seeds please!!!have you tried any of them yet? are all thos eplants in five gallons that have grown into the ground. do you make bigger holes for the roots to go out of? again i want to be able to do what you are doing someday "one day I will be like AJ" a new song im working on:)
That video was amazing, it is amazing to see so many peppers and plants just every where. My outdoor season came to an end awhile ago, so it is cool seeing people who are able to still harvest something.
7 Pot and Trinidad Scorpion Final Harvest for 2009 11-30-09

wordwiz said:

It looks like you had a fantastic year! What a massive amount of pods. Great job.


thanks Mike...gonna be processing for quite some time now...

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Very nice AJ, plants are LOADED with pods. Cannot wait to see them all on your table(s). Hope you had a happy thanksgiving yourself. Congrats.

thanks Cappy...and yes, had a great Thanksgiving in Pensacola with my mom..Ihope all was the same with you and yours...left Saturday the 21st, drove straight thru, got to Pcola, went to Chets and had 5 dozen oysters on Tuesday...they had just opened the East Part of Pensacola bay and the oysters were big, salty, and delicious...then Saturday the 28th on the way back, I stopped in Henderson, Louisiana and had my first fresh boiled crawfish of the season...they were very clean, and very large for the first part of the season...had to eat 4 pounds and would have eaten more but was hurrying to get back to Fort Worth...

Noshownate said:
It will be sad to see it all gone. what will the yard look like when all gone? Save Some Choc Habajolokia seeds please!!!have you tried any of them yet? are all thos eplants in five gallons that have grown into the ground. do you make bigger holes for the roots to go out of? again i want to be able to do what you are doing someday "one day I will be like AJ" a new song im working on:)

yup Nate, will be sad, but I need a break for a couple of months...heck, I will be planting again in 2 months...the Habajolokias were not isolated but I will save a few seeds...this was the only viable plant I got to grow this year...all plants in 5 gallon containers with the roots grown into the ground...the containers had pretty big (about 1" square) holes around the edges and one in the very middle bottom of the container so I didn't modify the containers one bit...just keep on reading and researching here on THP and all the information you need is right here...I want to hear that'll have to have something in it about 7 Pot Bloody Marys...roflmao...

Matt Berry said:
That video was amazing, it is amazing to see so many peppers and plants just every where. My outdoor season came to an end awhile ago, so it is cool seeing people who are able to still harvest something.

thanks Matt...a longer growing season is quite nice when it comes to growing peppers, but then again, you don't have the killer heat in July/August that we do here...

JungleRain said:
looks like you had a great season AJ, have you got any plans yet for next season?

pretty fair I would say JR...I plan on overwintering as many plants as will fit in my garage...

here are three shots...I harvested 5.1 kilos (~11.2 pounds) 7 Pot and 5.65 kilos (~12.4 pounds) trinidad scorpions today...I will continue this thread with weights and pictures until harvest is complete...

these are those gray plastic bus trays you see in restaurants..

7 Pot left, T. Scorpion right


Best Scorpions of the year as far as what I call perfect pod type...not very big pods but very pretty...and the second shot is my absolute best one this year..



more to come is in the low 50s in the day time and high 30s/low 40s at night for this coming week...
Wow yet another major harvest!! Do you have your shop setup to sell concentrate yet? I got a lot, but no wear near what I wanted to harvest this year so still looking to buy some hot concentrate if I can find any.
Beautiful pods Aj, and one of the best patches around ! Looks like you had a bumper season.... time to make some sauce and paste ?

AJ, That is really cool. I love that garden ;-)
Your name is AlabamaJack but you are in Fort Worth? I am just the opposite. I was born and raised in Irving, Tx most of my life and just been here in Birmingham, AL the last 15 years!
Not sure what that means ;-)

Great harvest.
With all if that heat all concentrated in one location like that, I sure hope those plastic tubs don't melt.

AJ, that has to be one of the most incredible harvests that you have had all year. I hope you have plenty of gloves around when you start processing all of those pods.

That is an amazing group of plants. And to think that is only a fair season for you. I would love to see what a great year looks like!!!:mouthonfire:

Amazing work this year AJ. I could almost hear a bit of depression in your voice as the season ends.

Enjoy your two month break so we can get all of this finally figured out. Then we all get to run around the ring.
As always AJ, simply mind blowing !!! Your temps have stayed much higher than the flatlands of Texas here. We've hit the lower twenties several times. On Sunday we got about 2 1/2 " of snow in the middle of yard. Much deeper in the drifts from West Texas wind.

P. Dreadie