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  1. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry's 2011 Growlog

    Time for another update, here are the seedlings that are right around 2 weeks old Trays of peppers at 1 month old And finally a few that were ready to be potted up to the 6" pots, I still have a bunch more to repot. Also on the plus side the 2 Jalapenos that I accidentally overlooked...
  2. Matt Berry

    Silver_Surfer's season starts

    Your overwintered plants are looking great, well... They all look great ... I especially like the full size brain strain, it makes me kind of wish that I would have overwintered a couple of peppers, but I got a little gun shy after a run in with spider mites last year. I absolutely despise those...
  3. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry's 2011 Growlog

    yea, I really liked the depth of the pots. I also figured since 32 fit in a flat, 2 flats per heat mat, I could start up to 128 seeds at a time. I don't know why, I just prefer to start my plants in pots where they can get more established before transplant, and I have more flexibility in moving...
  4. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry's 2011 Growlog

    I figure it was getting about time to start my growlog for this year. This year has gotten off to a good start as I got to try some new things. First was the use of heat mats to start propagation, this has helped greatly. The second I decided to use the 2.5" x 3.5" deep pots to start my seeds...
  5. Matt Berry

    PepperJam's 2011 Grow Log

    They are definitely too wet. Cut back on the water, let them dry out before watering, and you should see them start to green up again.
  6. Matt Berry

    Too Much Light on Jolokias?

    Do you have any drain holes in that pan? Your soil looks really, really wet. To me it looks like a combination of too much water (leaves are starting to yellow) and not enough calcium. It's good to let the soil dry out a bit before watering, and then don't over water when you do.
  7. Matt Berry

    Arbol chilies

    The ones I grew last year seemed more on the mild side at times, so I would say they are probably in the 15,000 - 30,000 range. The heat seemed similar to cayennes to me.
  8. Matt Berry

    Silver Surfer's 2010 Grow

    Nice looking harvest you have there, it reminds me that I have to get out an harvest a bunch of peppers too. I've got a bunch that have just been turning colors lately. Is that a rhode island red you have in the background? It kind of looks like one, but I can't tell for sure.
  9. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry's Grow Log 2010

    Trinidad Scorpion Yellow Scorpion Finally, after a long wait, many, many flowers, a couple Barrackpore 7 pot That's it for now, I figured you'd want to see a bunch of pods instead of plant shots.
  10. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry's Grow Log 2010

    Aji Limon Fatali Unknown from peppermania mix Red Savania To be continued
  11. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry's Grow Log 2010

    7-pot from peppermania Serrano Chile de arbol Orange Thai (Overwintered started September 2009) To be continued
  12. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry's Grow Log 2010

    Time for some pod shots. These are all this seasons plants. First up is Yellow 7 pod from THSC Another shot loaded with Yellow 7 pod Yellow scotch bonnet Harold St Barts from P. Dreadie To be continued
  13. Matt Berry

    Why are the leaves so pale?

    with a lot of rain it may have washed out the magnesium in the soil. You might want to try mixing up some epsom salt and doing a foliar feed with it. Too much water is contributing to your yellowing.
  14. Matt Berry

    seeds-germination Mystery seed from Peppermania, ID?

    Here is a copy and paste of what Beth posted about her mystery seeds on her blog The seeds attached to my business card could be just about anything I offer, past or present, Capsicum, of course. I started doing it years ago as a little promo thing to remind folks of my Peppermania for their...
  15. Matt Berry

    seeds-germination Mystery seed from Peppermania, ID?

    I looked up her catalog from 2006 and the only thing she had listed then that turned green - brown - red was Chilcostle here is the description CHILCOSTLE: Medium heat. Thin fleshed pods 5_6" long by 1_1/2" wide. Ripens green_brown_red. Used for mole and dark sauces, dries well for ristras...
  16. Matt Berry

    How many plants are you growing?

    I started off with about 130 pepper plants. After culling, giving some away, disposing of ones that I didn't like the flavor of, I am currently down to about 54 plants and I may whittle that number down a little more before the end of the season. Other plants 5 - Tomato plants 1 - zucchini 2 -...
  17. Matt Berry

    Potawie's summer of 2010

    Your plants are looking very nice. Those tomatoes are looking very good too, I wish I would have started a few tomatoes instead of buying them this year. Mine are just starting to get a few tomatoes on them now. By the look of it you are on your way to a nice harvest. Today is the first day that...
  18. Matt Berry

    Windchicken's Garden 2010

    Thanks for posting the pictures of your garden. It looks like you have a decent start for this year. We all have to start some where, and truly every year is a learning process. Especially since each years weather pattern seems a little different. I've found that for peppers, I get better...
  19. Matt Berry

    pests Garden pest identify

    Your peppers should be safe as these usually stick to cabbage, broccoli, horseradish, ect. It is the larvae for the small white butterfly aka cabbage moth in north america. You can control them by just picking them off, or pull out the big guns and use some form of pesticide.
  20. Matt Berry

    2010 Grow Thread Begins

    Your plants are coming along very nicely. I like all the pod shots. My yellow 7 pods look the same, it surprises me at how quickly their pods grow, it's like small one day, huge the next.