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  1. Matt Berry

    Might be over before I've started

    It is time to stand up and grow a pair. Draw a line, and don't compromise on this. If you give up everything you love and enjoy, what will you have left? Your marriage will feel like a trap and you will begin to resent the woman you married. This isn't really about gardening it is more about...
  2. Matt Berry

    Picking buds, flowers falling..

    Small to one, isn't to another. For me I go by the over all look and feel of the plant. If it is smaller then 12-14" tall, I generally pluck the pods, or only allow a small number to stay. Once the plant is larger then it's game time.
  3. Matt Berry

    Picking buds, flowers falling..

    I don't worry about pinching flowers, I only pinch any pod that forms. This saves a lot of work on the younger plants. It does help the plant to become better established, and in the end you should have a larger harvest. The flower drop you are experiencing could be because the plant is not...
  4. Matt Berry

    What fertilzers are your choice ferts ?

    This season for my containers I'm using Botanicare pure blend pro grow, along with General Hydroponics CalMag+, and a couple of weeks ago I also picked up a jug of maxicrop. Plants seem to be doing very well with this setup, and are doing a lot better then in previous years when I was just using...
  5. Matt Berry

    Volunteer peppers??

    I actually have one that popped up between the rocks and brick patio here in Michigan. It was in the area where I kept my habaneros and cayennes last year. It's probably about 5" tall, and I was surprised to see it as it is my first volunteer pepper. On the other side I had a tomato popping up...
  6. Matt Berry

    Stakes or cages

    I stake all of my peppers. The reason I do all of them whether needed or not, is we tend to get strong thunderstorms through out the summer especially in July. I hate loosing plants to strong winds, and try to minimize the damage. For the tomatoes the florida weave is a nice method, you should...
  7. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry's Grow Log 2010

    Thank you.... It is nice to see how well they have done since being put outside, and I always laugh a little when everybody asks me what kind of "trees" those are. The battle with the bugs wages on, but luckily they are losing ground. The plants are really taking off, especially when I compare...
  8. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry's Grow Log 2010

    Now for a couple more pod shots. First up is a 7 pot from peppermania Paper lantern from peppergal That's all for now.
  9. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry's Grow Log 2010

    Time for a small update, spent part of fathers day fertilizing and rearranging all the pepper plants. First up is an Orange Thai, this is one of the overwintered plants I started last September. Next is one shot of my small pepper army Same group showing back row better. Front and center...
  10. Matt Berry

    breeding Cross Country Nurseries Superhot Smackdown

    The ones that are just a green stem may actually surprise you. Just as long as the stalk / roots are still alive they may just make a come back. I wouldn't give up on them.
  11. Matt Berry


    Here is a link that shows typical flea beetle damage. As you can see the damage is very similar to what you are seeing.
  12. Matt Berry


    I would look closely for flea beatles, they are small, black, roundish beatles that jump when you get near them. Theywill more than likely be on the underside of the leaf.
  13. Matt Berry

    The Official Yellow Scorpion CARDI Grow Thread...

    Here is a picture of the first pod on my yellow scorpion.
  14. Matt Berry

    SV's 2010 Garden List

    Silver Surfer beat me to it, but I agree that it is BER too. After you add some calcium it should clear up. You might want to hit up a local hydro shop and pick up a calcium supplement there. Just make sure not to over dose or dose too heavy when you first start applying it. In the future you...
  15. Matt Berry

    overwintering Hardening/Wintering?

    For bringing them in, I just do it, with out fussing over a transition period. If you bring in a full size plant without cutting it back, there is a good chance it may drop its leaves, but don't worry as they will soon bounce back in their new environment. So as far as I'm concerned I wouldn't...
  16. Matt Berry

    KiDDc's Grow Log

    Stem rot Aka damping off, can be prevented by using a well draining soil, not over watering, and allowing the top layer of soil to dry out. It is very important to not over water your plants, they don't do very well in very damp / wet conditions.
  17. Matt Berry

    Flowers on my habs

    Your plants are coming along nicely. I had to laugh a little bit about your comment about "so I can hopefully have a few peppers", don't worry, with the cultivars you have selected, you will soon by overwhelmed by pods. Well, just as long as your temps don't get too hot. Flowers become sterile...
  18. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry's Grow Log 2010

    One of the chili de arbols loaded with pods Burkina pod Finally a picture of my latest outdoor harvest. A bowl full of Red thai, orange thai and the few slightly dried up pods were some chili de arbols that I picked earlier in the week. Well that's it for now, hope you enjoyed.
  19. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry's Grow Log 2010

    Next up is my yellow scorpion Now it's time for some pod shots: Yellow Scorpion A currently unknown chinense from peppermania mix Aji Limon more coming .....
  20. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry's Grow Log 2010

    Time for a real update. The plants have been outside for about 3 weeks now, and have bounced back nicely from all the bug attacks I battled through the winter. We have been getting a lot of rain lately, yesterday was the first day that SOME of my pots actually started to dry out. I really need...