Search results

  1. Matt Berry

    seeds-germination Is it too late to start seeds?

    Not sure what you mean by "it is near impossible to grow plants without sunlight.". If you have adequate lighting this is not a problem. HID lighting will help plants "grow" to their full size. Even under MH lighting you will get pods, I was harvesting a lot of pods through out the winter. Most...
  2. Matt Berry

    seeds-germination Is it too late to start seeds?

    If you start them now you will have to overwinter them, which is pretty easy to do if you invest in some grow lights. The 400w light from HTG supply is decent and cost around 120. The biggest problem with over wintering is the battle with bugs, you don't know who you'll battle all winter, but...
  3. Matt Berry

    P. Dreadie's 2010 pepper list

    Your plants are coming along nicely, even after getting beat up a bit. You'll be getting pods off them in no time.
  4. Matt Berry

    SV's 2010 Garden List

    It depends on where you got your plants / seeds from but your first mystery plant looks like a serrano to me, but it could be something like costeno amarillo or goats weed too. It will be a little easier to ID once it starts getting some pods on it.
  5. Matt Berry

    staking chilies

    I stake mine with 3' stakes. The reason I use them is as a protection from strong winds during storms. During the summer it is not uncommon to get strong straight line winds that will blow over or break your pepper plants. It is heart breaking to have a plant full of pods snapped by the wind...
  6. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry's Grow Log 2010

    Well it's time for a small update. All my peppers have made the transition outside a couple of weeks ago, thanks to a nice warm up. Everything is looking good, and the nasty bugs are more in check now that they are outside. All plants are in 5 gallon pots with 3' tall stakes. First up is a...
  7. Matt Berry

    issue HELP!!!! Scorpion needs attention...

    Does it perk up a bit in the mornings? If it looks fine in the morning it could be wilting from losing more water then it can take up. The soil looks very wet, could you have possibly overwatered, or the soil is staying too wet for too long and causing root rot. You might want to chech to see if...
  8. Matt Berry

    Yellow chinense...

    Hey Espechili where did you get your Limon seeds from? The reason I'm asking is the place I bought mine from (Rainbow chili seeds) ended up not being true, had small orange pods instead of larger yellow pods. I want to try these again next year but need a little more reputable seed source. I'm...
  9. Matt Berry

    New pepper grower questions

    One thing you might want to think about doing is remove the water tray from the bottom of your plants. That way if it rains your plants won't get water logged. Over watering will kill your plants faster then anything. I also think you meant to say pollinate and not germinate, germinate = what a...
  10. Matt Berry

    sun Gold or coppery sheen on some leaves after a few hours of full sun

    Your plants should be able to make it through the day without the extra water from an aquaglobe. Even with the temps in the 80's - 90 here and my plants in black pots, on a concrete patio or stones, they still don't require more then a good watering every day or two. Your plants will grow new...
  11. Matt Berry

    nutrients nutrients

    I've been using bonide pure blend pro grow formula, it has been a huge improvement over the espoma garden / tomato tone I used in the past. The plants have been healthier and really took off since I've started to use it. I'm also thinking about using some maxicrop seaweed formula for some of the...
  12. Matt Berry

    sun Gold or coppery sheen on some leaves after a few hours of full sun

    Classic sun scald. The plants will probably end up dropping most of the leaves, but will quickly begin growing new ones in short order. Nothing to worry about, just be careful not to over water them when they don't have any leaves.
  13. Matt Berry


    I'm just saying if you planned on eating any of the ornamental peppers, that it is a good idea to see if it was treated with a systemic pesticide. Anytime a plant is considered a non food item, growers can use stronger pesticides to kill off any unwanted pests. Those pesticides could pose a...
  14. Matt Berry


    The thing with the ornamentals is you have to make sure they were not sprayed with a systemic pesticide. Needless to say there are a lot of peppers that grow upright and are not ornamentals. A few more not mentioned are goats weed, Thai peppers, chili de arbol, the list real goes on and on.
  15. Matt Berry

    soil MG Potting Soil...

    My experience with MG soil is limited to just their potting mix and Moisture control potting mix. They both contain slow release fertilizers which can cause you problems with your plants, especially seedlings. Too much fertilizer can cause plants to become stunted in their growth. They both have...
  16. Matt Berry

    "World's Hottest"

    Having grown the "worlds hottest pepper" from bonnie plants, I can tell you that they are definitely just orange habs. Which to some people are the hottest pepper in the world, we of course know better.
  17. Matt Berry

    Metal Halide & HPS grow bulbs.

    I'm growing mine under just the metal halides, they work very well. I have been getting a pepper harvest all through out the winter, it has been very nice. If it wasn't for an outbreak of spider mites and thrips, my over wintered plants would be looking awesome. The seedlings that I started...
  18. Matt Berry

    What's up with these leaves?

    It looks like possible leaf miner damage. Look at the leaf closely and see if it looks like the middle of the leaf has been hollowed out. You may even see a small grub between the 2 layers. I would also look very closely to the underside of the leaf just to make sure there are not any tiny...
  19. Matt Berry

    growth rate

    Probably more of an issue with lighting and fertilizer. Give them a shot of magnesium and calcium, that should jump start the flowering. My chinense were not kept at high temps, probably only in the 70's, my seedlings started at the beginning of the year are already flowering. The ones I...
  20. Matt Berry

    seeds-germination Cracked and crushed seeds...will they still grow?

    The good news is that damaged seeds often do germinate, sometimes faster then non cracked seeds. The down side is sometimes they get damaged just right that they won't sprout.