Lumbre with some Hot Cherry’s to the right, they are looking good too and the Lumbre has a little heat. Thanks Brian!!!
Orange Hab’s are looking good, this plant is putting out a lot more fruit than the others.
I have grown Jap’s in buckets before but these are horrible, I have not ID’d the issue yet. Cherry tomatoes, Swiss Chard and a lone Yellow 7 Pot (I think).
I believe these are all Jap’s and they wilt almost every day, I think I should put them in a bucket or in the garden. It would be nice to try and overwinter them though.

Orange Hab’s are looking good, this plant is putting out a lot more fruit than the others.

I have grown Jap’s in buckets before but these are horrible, I have not ID’d the issue yet. Cherry tomatoes, Swiss Chard and a lone Yellow 7 Pot (I think).

I believe these are all Jap’s and they wilt almost every day, I think I should put them in a bucket or in the garden. It would be nice to try and overwinter them though.