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  1. Matt Berry

    A new season

    Don't worry about the nagas yet, if you are lucky they'll pop by three weeks but don't be surprised if they go over five weeks.
  2. Matt Berry

    starting peppers earlier - questions

    The key is you need to have enough light and space to grow your peppers. They are perenials so they can live several years if you keep them out of the cold. With that said you can basically start your plants whenever you wish. My seedlings have been started in batches over the last few months...
  3. Matt Berry

    seeds-germination Its almost seed starting time! Whatcha growing?

    This year is different for me as I'm growing a bunch of different variety's looking for ones with really good flavor. I've already found a few that I like and a few that had to be eliminated as they just were not up to snuff 7 Pot 7 Pot Barrackpore 7 Pot Chocolate 7 Pot Yellow Aji Habanero Aji...
  4. Matt Berry

    The Hottest Pepper

    I just received another order from peppermania just last week. I also have done seeds coming from the hippy seed company too. I like both of them along with pepergal. Tomato growers is ok, but the seeds are not as good of quality. Rainbow chili seeds shipped quickly, but all the varietys I...
  5. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry's Grow Log 2010

    That's awesome. I don't know what it is about seedlings that is so exciting, but they are. I now have a bunch more that have sprouted. I even decided to buy a few more seeds from THSC, just what I need, more plants.... Anyways with all the recent talk about the paper lanterns made me decide to...
  6. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry's Grow Log 2010

    I did get the Aji Limons from peppermania, but those were from an order I place in July 2009, then I started them in Aug. The pods are from 1 plant. Heat wise they are not that hot, similar to cayenne hot. P. Dreadie - The Harolds were the only one that I haven't been able to get to sprout...
  7. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry's Grow Log 2010

    Christmas aji limon basement harvest.
  8. Matt Berry

    Paper Lanterns

    I'm in the same boat as you Blister. I started a couple of paper lanterns along with a few other "new" varietys trying to find ones with the best flavor. I didn't care for the orange habs much. This season is different for me, as I'm trying a bunch of new varietys and any that don't taste good...
  9. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry's Grow Log 2010

    The purple Serranos were from Tomato Growers and the Aji Norteno from Rainbow Chilis
  10. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry's Grow Log 2010

    What's Christmas without a little Christmas pepper cheer. These seedling hooked this morning, merry Christmas to me.
  11. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry's Grow Log 2010

    Plant out date isn't until the end of may. We do have some warmer days sometimes in late April or early May. These will stay in containers, they may get moved outside for some of the warmer days in early spring. The seedlings I just planted will definetely be as big as the ones already...
  12. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry's Grow Log 2010

    I know it is a little hard to tell from the photo, but the yellow pods are aji limons. The fatali is right below that branch. It is just now starting to flower, so no pods yet. Sorry for the confusion.
  13. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry's Grow Log 2010

    Right now they are growing under 2 400 watt metal halides, there are actually more plants then what is pictured. I'm currently still fighting off some thrips and spider mites. Their population is under control, but they are still beating my plants up a bit. At least my wife tolerates me toting...
  14. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry's Grow Log 2010

    More plants Red Habanero in background Here is my Fatali
  15. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry's Grow Log 2010

    Seed Trays Seedlings planted in Aug - Thais are in the back left
  16. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry's Grow Log 2010

    I received my seeds and couldn't wait to get started for the 2010 growing season. I started 2 trays of 50 seeds, and I also have a bunch of plants I started from seed in Aug & Sept. The plants I started at the end of the summer were more of a test, as I was trying out a few new seed suppliers...
  17. Matt Berry

    The Hottest Pepper

    I agree that Your link is the best place to get bhuts since they developed it. After I saw he had purchased his seeds from tomato growers, I thought I'd point him twords a little better seed then that, and you already had NMSU covered.
  18. Matt Berry

    The Hottest Pepper

    Peppermania has them also. They are all in a pack called the garden of fire (Under the Chinense section) They also have various other pepper seeds. Link Direct link to Garden of fire seed pack Don't discount the Hippy seed company...
  19. Matt Berry

    Kicking off 2010 season

    Did you actually look through her site? She may not have any naga's but she does have Tabasco, and she has the superhots I have listed above packaged as the garden of fire.
  20. Matt Berry

    Kicking off 2010 season

    I just ordered some more seeds for the 2010 pepper season from peppermania. I've been trying to keep my pepper numbers down, just not very well. Last year I grew close to 35 peppers. This coming up season I'm still hovering around 50, and that doesn't include the flat I just planted, nor the...