seeds-germination Its almost seed starting time! Whatcha growing?

Its almost time to get the floro lights set-up again for another growing season. I just can't wait to get some plants growing again, its something to distract me from the cold, harsh winter.
Once again I'm trying to discipline myself from growing every super-hottie in my collection, and am hoping to focus mainly on jalapenos and Anaheim/Numex types which are always popular in Potawie-land. I'm also hoping to do some market sales so I need a good variety of sweet/mild/medium peppers, and only a few hot/super-hot varieties. I might even pass on growing fataliis this round since my freezer and pantry are still loaded with them.
So what's your plans for seed starting, and varieties for 2010? I'm still working on my grow list but I hope to finalize it very soon and will likely post it.
This year I have a nice assortment of seeds!!!!
Bhut Jolokia
Bih Jolokia
peter pepper
Trinadad Scorpian
Red Savina
Yellow Scotch Bonnet

I know I'm missing a couple....
Wow i bet there wont even be any room left on the pae after cmp posts his list . 'heres my list

XL Congo Trinidad
Ohlo de piexe
Chocolate bhut
Ngaga morich
Bhut jolokia
BHI Jolokia
Red Trinidad congo
Bonda man janques
Perro Salvaje ( navas naga cross )
Tree of Paititi
Aji LUcento
NUMEX Twilight
7pod JONAh
Coach's Yellow Beach BHutties
Goat pepper
Orange Rocoto ( i'm growing soooo much pubes this year it aint funny )
Capsicum Galapagoense
DEDO de moca Arhmehla
Gold Nugget
Creamy Scotch BOnnet
White Fatalii
Bhut JOLOKIa X Pimenta de neyde (from secco at pepperfriends )
Yeloow Aji UMBa
Brown Rocoto
Pimenta bario do ribiero
Pimenta morango
Black Naga
Apache pepper
Cap 1695
Cap 1696
Turbo Pube
Rocoto canario
CGN 22796
Big N'Red Rocoto

And LOts more to come.
I began germinating seeds in October, and am still at it. I'm not using any artificial lights or fertilizers, so things are growing slowly in the cool weather. I give what sun I can.

I have new sprouts and seedlings for:

- Cappy Brain Strain
- Yellow 7 Pot Pod
- Yellow Scorpion
- Scorpion BT
- Bhut, Bih, & Naga
- Red Congo
- Red Hab
- Mustard Hab
- Jalapeno
Thai Dragon
Chiltepine Tumacacori
7 Pot Jonah
7 Pot Yellow
7 Pot
7 Pot Chocolate
Trinidad Scorpion
Yellow Scorpion
Yellow Rocoto
Chocolate Bhut
Bih Jolokia
Aji Panca
Hermosillo Select
Pimiento De Padron
NuMex Heritage Big Jim
Pimient de Espellette
NuMex Pinata
Looks like 7 pot/pods are one of the favorite pepper again this season but personally I think I'll stick to a few Scorpions and douglahs for my super-hotties
Potawie, I'm going to be doing my best to focus on Jalapeños, Anaheims, NeMex, Hot Hungarians and only a few super hots. It's going to tough though as this is like 180 degrees from last years grow list. But, I too have a freezer full and a ton of powders that should last me until 2011 season.
+1 again pepperfreak:)
I've got enough super-hotties for probably 10+ years but I still have to grow some fresh ones for burning my friends and family, and hopefully I'll find a local market for them next season.
The largest quantities I'm growing this year are the Red Habs, Congos, & Bhuts. I like the flavors and they are easy to grow.

For me, it really boils down to what I enjoy eating :)

And what grows best in my area.
Yes I too have the winter blues and am prepping my indoor germination which I start in another week or so. This year will be a little thin on varieties due to losing 4 of them, but got two new ones thanks to members.

Trinidad Scorpion
Naga Morich
Caribbean Habanero
White Habanero
Lemon Drop
Green and Yellow Bell

Beat wishes to everyones growing success in 2010!!:dance:
Douglah, douglah, and more douglah. My stash of dried super hots and all my sauces I'm good thru 2010. All my plants outside are still alive so far and will be cut back and put in the ground this spring. I'm not even going to label my cups this year and hope all breeds true and chocolate in 2010. Then again I could start another 50 different varieties.:lol:
I'm cutting way back on the peppers this year - I still have a couple of pounds of dried peppers left from the last two years, and there really isn't much of a market in Cincy.

I do have some 7-pot seeds from AJ I will grow. Also, japs, habs, Hungarian Hot Wax, A cayenne or two. A couple of sweet banana and bell peppers will round out the list.

My garden will support 11 rows and I already have three reserved for potatoes, four for tomatoes and one for peppers. I still need to find room for:
Beans (lots of them)

and probably a couple of things I have forgotten!

I'm not sure yet. :) I've got so many things I want to try and then there is reality. Goat Pepper is one for sure. I'm going to grow some Scotch Bonnets from a friend of mine who got neat crosses (peach).

I dream of growing 100+ varieties of Pubescens in one season. Maybe. :)

I'll definitely grow all I get from NJA regarding India varieties. I'm very excited about them.

started sowing some a few days ago and will start the rest in a few weeks. I hope I'm not starting too early but last year I was too late and after the summer we had, I'm not making that mistake again. My grow list will be as follows:

Seeds started: Bhut Jolokia, 7Pot, Trinidad Scorpion, Naga Morich, Red Savina (first time with the super hots....thanks Patrick).
Others to start soon: Fatalli, Scotch Bonnet, Aji Limon, Orange hab, Mustard Hab, White Hab, Paper Lantern, Tabasco, Long Cayenne, Bishops Crown, Brazilian Starfish

A lot of new stuff that I learned from people on this site last summer, so I'm looking forward to testing it all out.
This year is different for me as I'm growing a bunch of different variety's looking for ones with really good flavor. I've already found a few that I like and a few that had to be eliminated as they just were not up to snuff

7 Pot
7 Pot Barrackpore
7 Pot Chocolate
7 Pot Yellow
Aji Habanero
Aji Limon
Aji Norteno
Aji Panca
Beni Highlands
Bhut Jolokia
Caribbean Red Hab
Cayenne Long Red Slim
Cayenne Carolina
Cayenne, Golden
Chile De Arbol
Congo Trinidad
Congo Yellow
Goats Weed
Habanero Chocolate
Habanero Yellow
Jalapeno M
Jalapeno, Purple
Jimmy Nardello
Paper Lantern
Purple Marconi
Red Savania
Scotch Bonnet Yellow
Serrano, Purple
Tabasco Greenleaf
Thai Orange
Thai Red
Trinidad Scorpion
Trinidad Scorpion Yellow
Unknown - From the free seed mixes which are so hard not to plant - few winners / losers
Unknown - Fresno
Unknown - Habanero Red
Here is what I have so far with more seeds to come:

7 Pot
7 Pot "Jonah"
7 Pot Brain Strain
7 Pot Yellow
Bhut Jolokia
Bih Jolokia
Biker Billy Jalapeno
Caribbean Red Hab
Chocolate Bhut
Chocolate Hab
Las Cruces Cayenne
Lemon Bhut
Mulato Isleno
Naga Morich
Red Savina
Thai Red Chili
Trinidad Douglah
Trinidad Scorpion
Trinidad Scorpion - Yellow CARDI
Unnamed Chinense from a trade

Hoping to get more seeds from trades as well as purchased by the end of the week. Almost time to start. Can't wait.

I've had a bunch on the go since the fall. Right now I've got at least one plant of:

Baraccapore 7Pot
7-Pot (Jonah)
XL Trinidad Congo
Trinidad Scorpion
Red Savina
White Hab
Yellow Hab
Mustard Hab
Tasmanian Hab
Large Chocolate Hab
Paper Lantern
Caribbean Red
Peach Hab
overwintered Serrano
Congo Brown
Naga Morich
overwintered Dorset Naga
Aji Lemon
Chili Goronong
Bhut Jolokia
Burkina Scotch Bonnet
Faria Scotch Bonnet
Jamaican Yellow
Black Chili
Chili Grande

I have more than one each of the Scotch Bonnets because we like them so much. I doubt I'll be keeping many of the habs, but that all depends on the taste. I have a few pods on a few varieties right now as well so hopefully I'll be able to try them before the growing season gets going full bore.
My list:

Ring of Fire
Inferno Hybrid
Big Bomb
Serrano del Sol Hybrid
Hot Pepper Yuan
Super Chilli Hybrid
Brown Habanero
Aji Panca
Thai Hot
Bhut Jolokia
Aji Amarillo
Aji Limon

I am planning on starting some later today.
cmpman1974 said:
I'm not sure yet. :) I've got so many things I want to try and then there is reality. Goat Pepper is one for sure. I'm going to grow some Scotch Bonnets from a friend of mine who got neat crosses (peach).

I dream of growing 100+ varieties of Pubescens in one season. Maybe. :)

I'll definitely grow all I get from NJA regarding India varieties. I'm very excited about them.


I already started 2 weeks ago :) Later this year I will also sow some paprika varieties

7 POD Barrackpore
7 POD Brain Strain
7 POD Brown
7 POD Douglah Brown
7 POD Jonah
7 POD Primo Strain
7 POD SR Strain
7 POD Yellow
Trinidad Scorpion Red
Trinidad Scorpion Yellow
Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Red
Bih Jolokia Improved Strain I
Bih Jolokia Improved Strain II
Bhut Jolokia Chocolate
Bonda Ma Jacques
Devils Tongue
Devils Tongue Red
Ecuadorian Devils Breath
Habanero Black
Habanero Black Stinger
Habanero Green
Habanero Harald St. Barts
Habanero Peach