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  1. Shandley

    China pepper, likely a popular one.

    Thanks all! I popped an unripe pepper from this plant into my mouth and WOW hot. My tongue is swollen! I can't wait until they ripen.
  2. Shandley

    First flower pods

    I have a Butch T that was planted in the very beginning of June (from seed). Today I found plenty of flowers! Man, I started late but pretty excited about them. Good luck out there with Issac. It's bright and sunny here in BC Canada.
  3. Shandley


    Crazy nice! What are they?
  4. Shandley


    Yep! T8's for sure. We install plenty to know. Only our government run projects seem to have the money to burn up on T5s and really, the output is virtually the same both lumens and power usage, just a higher cost (a lot higher cost) in parts, specifically the bulbs.
  5. Shandley


    I would say follow the instructions for the condensor to the T. As for electrical... You must have the right voltage for electrical. After long runs, the voltage drops so if you are over, say, 75 feet, I would go up a size in wire to account for the voltage drop. Do it right. If you do not know...
  6. Shandley

    indoor-growing From indoors to outdoors

    Stick it in the shade, north side (wait, is it the same in the southern hemisphere? We're told to plant on the south side for the most light, so put the pot on the side with the least light). Yes, start on the weekend. Try to check on it. It wont take much to kill them. Mine started to wilt in...
  7. Shandley

    watering AC Watering?

    Greetings, I have a good old air conditioner in my bedroom that condenses the air and seperates the water. I usually just dump this but I wonder if anyone has used this in leu of say, rain water. Anyways, your thoughts?
  8. Shandley

    pests Aphids! Arrrrg!

    I tried the small onion, garlic, saop and water mix and it's turning my test plant... black. Any ideas here?
  9. Shandley

    pests Aphids! Arrrrg!

    I tried a mixture of mineral oil, ivory soap, and water. Sprayed it on, left it for an hour, then rinsed it off. It killed all of the aphids but left the oil on the plant. I spent an hour or two wiping down each leaf. I'd rather avoid that. I'm thinking of trying the soap and water (maybe...
  10. Shandley

    pests Aphids! Arrrrg!

    I heard it wont kill ladybugs... but I am looking for stuff more like the soap, water, alcohol, oil type of thing. If you have a recipe for a aphid destroyer, post it here.
  11. Shandley

    pests Aphids! Arrrrg!

    5 plants, one reallllly bad but it must be early because it's the healthiest looking plant I have. Pots 1000
  12. Shandley

    pests Aphids! Arrrrg!

    Damn. Yeah, those were those alright. I got rid of them. No more! Thanks to all for the suggestions. Keep 'em rollin.
  13. Shandley

    pests Aphids! Arrrrg!

    Greetings to all! I have an aphid problem! I tried ladybugs and they all flew away. Lookin to go to a home made solution. Any suggestions (that actually work and wont kill my plants)? There are yellow eggs as well! I should have guessed when I saw ants coming and going.
  14. Shandley

    indoor-growing From indoors to outdoors

    Excellent! Thanks. How long until I can put them in direct sun again?
  15. Shandley

    indoor-growing From indoors to outdoors

    Greetings to all! I have a few late seedlings that I have been growing under a fluorecent grow lamp (very successfully I might add). I moved two of them outside and within hours, most of the leaves are bleached. Oviously, these plants were not weathered for the direct sun. My question is, am...
  16. Shandley

    Newbie from BC, Canada

    Wow! Such warm welcomes. Thank you all!!
  17. Shandley

    China pepper, likely a popular one.

    Interesting! I'll have to check them out. Thanks!
  18. Shandley

    China pepper, likely a popular one.

    Thank you both. The plants are very hardy. Every seed germinated (20 or so) and none have seen any trouble at all. @hotpeppergirlalabama: PM sent.