Search results

  1. chilicutter


    Welcome from FINLAND :mouthonfire:
  2. chilicutter

    Need GOOD cumari luck with this batch

    Wild Cumari is great:lol:
  3. chilicutter

    Hello from Germany

    Hola and welcome from FINLAND :mouthonfire: Is somepody zpeaking enklish here:lol:
  4. chilicutter

    Wakeup man! There is day if you don't noticed :) Here is 2.30am still wake.

    Wakeup man! There is day if you don't noticed :) Here is 2.30am still wake.
  5. chilicutter

    Hola !! are seeds already sprout?

    Hola !! are seeds already sprout?
  6. chilicutter

    new to forums not to heat....

    Welcome fromFINLAND :mouthonfire:
  7. chilicutter

    wanted Looking to trade seeds

    I send you PM!
  8. chilicutter

    Hello everyone

    Wellcome from FINLAND :mouthonfire:
  9. chilicutter

    I need Help growing Naga Morich

    Wellcome from FINLAND:mouthonfire:
  10. chilicutter

    Chilli sauce from the UK

    Wellcome From FINLAND
  11. chilicutter

    Noobie here

    Welcome from FINLAND
  12. chilicutter

    Wow...a LOT of peppers. This might even make AJ jealous

    Who take pic of my dreams:lol:
  13. chilicutter

    wanted WANTED seeds

    Hi I need to get some seeds:( -Arboretum Round Black -Black Cuban -Black Namaqualand -Black Texas -Purple Variegated -Venezuela Purple I like swap those seeds.(If somebody want donate seeds that OK too) Visit my homepage there you find my seed list.
  14. chilicutter

    wanted Looking for some seeds

    I've Red Savina and White Habas seeds. PM if you need.
  15. chilicutter

    wanted looking for a these pepper seeds

    Hi Do you already get all those seeds? If you don't PM me.
  16. chilicutter

    Hello, looks like you have a nice forum going here!!

    Wellcome from Finland
  17. chilicutter

    Hello everyone

    WELCOME from Finland
  18. chilicutter

    Greetings from Luxembourg

    Welcome from Muurame Finland:) Growing list 2009
  19. chilicutter

    My Propagation Box

    Nice job mate;) I made today little different box.
  20. chilicutter

    Hi all, from Italy

    Hi Welcome! Nice to see you here.