Hello everyone

I currently reside in Southern Cali near the coast. I have a small area where I grow herbs and a few other plants in a well shaded area now, but was thinking about growing some peppers on the other side that gets sun most of the day and is a little to hot to grow herbs. The temperature stays around the mid 70's for most of the year and gets up to around the low 80's in the hottest summer months. World this be a good spot to grow peppers? I love to cook with pepper and would often buy about 20 lbs at a time from Mexico, but no longer travel due to the crime problems so I thought I would try my hand at growing my own after spending 10 times the cost to get peppers here in Cali.

Trying to decide if it's better to get plants already growing or start with seeds. If anyone can point me to a great newbie guide to get me started I would really appreciate the help!
Welcome from Ohio.

I personally like to raise my own plants from seed, it gives me greater pride. But there are a few great companies that you can order just about any pepper already started. Here is one that I used last year. http://www.chileplants.com/ It all depends on your available size and how much time you want to put into it.
Wow seems like several countries are being represented here!! Seems like I have a late start on the season so I've quickly placed an order for some seeds and picked up a few plants in case I don't have any luck getting the seeds to sprout. Looking forward to picking some home grown peepers in a few months!