Hello everyone

I'm a newbie from Romania, my name's George, and I was searching for info on "ultra-hot" chilies on google, when I found this website. I thought it was great, at first glance, now I'm looking forward to meeting you all.

About the hot stuff that I eat, there isn't much to say. I'm in a small town in southern Romania, with only around 80.000 inhabitants, and there aren't many things to choose from...
For example, I went to a pizza place, and the waitress said that she had some amazingly hot sauce, that she eats really hot as well and it'd burn me... and guess what, it was hot ketchup... it is the hottest one you can buy in Romania, but come on!

The hottest stuff I could find here was in a small supermarket, it's called " Fuchs Chilli ". They're really, really, small dried out chilies, the biggest ones being about 4 cm or so, they're brown, reddish peppers, couldn't find a picture on the internet... does anyone know exactly what kind of chili that is? And it doesn't say on it either, I checked!
Anyway, they are really hot, and I can't eat a whole one... not even a smaller 2 cm one. However, I use them in sauces for spaghetties and pizza, which really come out great.
I'm only 18 though, still in school, and it'll be a while until I get out of this town, any suggestions? I need something better!

Btw, does anyone get high off hot stuff? I mean high as in smoking weed ?
imaguitargod said:
Oh ya! It's called an Endorphin Rush (aka, "dorfin' ", as in, "Man, I ate that chili and then I was dorfin'. ").


I know it makes you feel euphoric and stuff, I know about the endorphine rush, but I was wondering exactly how high you can get... :)

Thanks for the warm welcome.
DremoraLord said:
but I was wondering exactly how high you can get... :)

Pritty freakin high. The highest I've ever gotten was the following combinations all at once:
Blissful laughter
Visual Hallucenations (bright colors, shimmering surfaces).
imaguitargod said:
Pritty freakin high. The highest I've ever gotten was the following combinations all at once:
Blissful laughter
Visual Hallucenations (bright colors, shimmering surfaces).

Well I suppose you're a much crazier chilehead than me then, although I've tried some pretty hot stuff, meaning that friends would cry from 1/20 out of which I was eating, and it still wasn't hot enough.
I guess I gotta' practise more... it sounds promising :)
imaguitargod said:
It doesn't take practice, it just takes something hot enough to produce a very large endorphin rush. ;)

I suppose I meant I need practise so I can withstand something that hot...
I just saw a guy on youtube who ate a whole Naga Morich pepper, I could never do that...
Welcome from Fremantle Australia....Try My 'Wrath of GOD' bhut jolokia sauce that should give you a nice rush....or there are many others around here that will do the same!