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    tutorial Fermenting Peppers 101

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    breeding Inter-specific cross/breeding question

    There's no way to tell if you have a cross or not, before it starts flowering and setting fruits. Well, in rare cases, they can show some unique properties and you could notice the  difference, but that's just possible if you cross distinct species with enough visual differences. Anyway, I'd not...
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    Giant orange habanero

    I have collected seeds last season from my orange habanero hybrid peppers. The plant was great producer and I felt it might be a good thing to develop it further. I planted 2 plants from the collected seeds and got some really large pods.   I still have no idea about that chili, have no clue...
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    tutorial Fermenting Peppers 101

    Started fermenting and it seems to be doing well and extremely fast. I used a drop of sauerkraut liquid and I'm keeping it opened with unscrewed lid (need to buy an airlock). It's bubbling like mad and I would need to mix it every couple of hours, because the solid parts start to float when...
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    tutorial Making Hot Sauce 101

    I have started a batch of fermented peppers for the first time. A fermentation virgin. Well, I did not use a lot of peppers, it's just a test run, but I did use all pods that wer fully ripe and deep red colored. I used two large sweet peppers and 6 or 7 superhots. I do not know what kind of...
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    breeding Can you see crossbreeding the first year?

    I have placed a sweet pepper right in the middle of scorpions, reapers and other poisonous chilies and not even one of the pods ended up hot. When I opened the peppers, they were completely filled with seeds, which means they were pollinated completely. They might as well be self pollinated, but...
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    Brown colour pods F1

    Yes, but with peppers it's a bit different. They are bred to the point all their treats are all homozygous. This way, for example, when you cross the red and brown together, you would get heterozygous hybrid with Brown x Red combination. Well, I know it's not that easy, because they are in fact...
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    strange formations on a placental tissue

    I'm growing peppers for a while, but until now, these formations were quite rare, this year, T. Moruga Scorps have them regularly. I know they are edible, well, despite the pain. :)   And one more thing is strange, the original pepper doesn't show a tail or it's just a stump, these little...
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    strange formations on a placental tissue

    I've seen them in many pods, 1 out of 3 or 4 has them. Scorpions.     It seems to me there are some super-miniature pods with tails growing out from inside. :)
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    when to pick Choc Hab

    I pick them when their placenta is nice and red. Usually I leave them as long as I can. In case of heavy rain or a few days of wet weather, I usually decide to pick the ripe peppers. I've lost some to rot some time ago.
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    Brown colour pods F1

    I have a question regarding pod colour.   I received seeds from a fellow forumer last year and they were supposed to be chocolate scorpions. Now with season over, I found out only 1 out of 5 turned out to be brown. Red pods were typical Trinidad Moruga Scorpions and the brown showed moruga...
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    heat The Hottest Pepper In The World

    I can only say I agree with the posts above. Weather alone can make your peppers inedible hot or the opposite. Last year we've had a shitty season and I managed only to get a couple of relatively mild peppers (had to find out their true nature this season!) and this year with all the sun and not...
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    The heat 'curve' of different peppers

    Speaking of...   Any of you chileheads tried smoking a chile? Perchance even mixed together with other -oids  :high:     :P
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    All we are saying is...

    Burn, baby burn  :fireball:
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    You know you're a Chilli nut when...............

    when you are offered a quite mild anuum pepper, which you eat without breaking a sweat and you realize you were expected to be burnt alive by the powerful pepper.  :party: Just happened 
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    show-off Lets see your meanest, most gnarly pods!!!

    Moruga. I don't think photo shows how much oil there really is. Daaamn! And these are only the first ripe pods.    
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    My Chocolate scorpids seem to be off. They just turned red

    Wanted to make sauce from 3 colored chillies this year, one would be brown.  :onfire:   PS: funny thing is, the pods were turning brown on the pods that were damaged by slugs. Normal pods are ripening to a bright red color. Did try one small piece and they seem to be super potent  :party:
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    Show Me Some Tail !

    That's one long tail.  
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    My Chocolate scorpids seem to be off. They just turned red

    They were supposed to be chocolate scorpions, they seemed to be developing nicely, and they actually started turning brown in the beginning, but then they just started turning bright red.     Back to the drawing board. :) Perhaps at least one of the plants will end up being brown. :)