Search results

  1. ThePepperTrent

    2024/25 - HTX Glog

    What's up everyone? It has been quite a while. Last time I was active was in 2017, when I lived in Arizona, I am in Houston now. Figured I would start a Glog for 2024/2025. Had a few plants this year that were doing fantastic and were starting to produce but hurricane Beryl had other plans for...
  2. ThePepperTrent

    Curcurbita argyrosperma var. sororia

    Aka Wild Cushaw, native to Arizona, is a wild squash. Was determined by archeologists that this species was domesticated in Central Mexico at least 5,000 years ago. I decided to pick up a packet of the seeds from Native Seed Search, it's a seed bank in Tucson, Arizona where only native plants...
  3. ThePepperTrent

    Bonnie Habanero

    Felt like showing off a little bit. Took a trip to my local nursery and found a nice size bonnie habanero plant. Never seen these before. I did see them afterwards when I went to home depot... Obviously I had to buy it. $10. Felt like it was a score since I didn't start any seeds this year...
  4. ThePepperTrent

    On the hunt...

    Hey everyone, I am currently on look out for a couple varieties... I can send a sase or we can trade seeds, whichever, just send a PM so we can trade info...   I am looking for:  Peach Ghost Scorpion seeds Yellow Fatalii seeds   Going to be growing these in 2016. Hope to hear from you soon.  ...
  5. ThePepperTrent

    TPT's 2016 start

    Hello everyone, yes it's a tad early and I am not going to start anything yet, but soon as I have found it gets cold pretty fast in northern Arizona. I hope next year goes better than this past year, I didn't start anything early enough and ended up having to buy plants. Out of the 10 plants I...
  6. ThePepperTrent


  7. ThePepperTrent

    wanted Chocolate Bell's or Mini Chocolate Bell's WANTED

    Hey all. I know this is sort of different from the usual. I am currently on the look for Mini Chocolate bell seeds. The ones I had bought didn't grow true, just a regular bell. I was wondering if anyone has TRUE Mini Chocolate Bell seeds or a regular chocolate bell. I have a nice seed stock but...
  8. ThePepperTrent

    sed tran

    can i hav sum frie seds for my tran? signed fer tranny: sirex
  9. ThePepperTrent

    seeds-germination Seed germination

    Well I have no idea what I have been doing wrong. I provide heat I provide light, I have tried everything, yet I am still getting horrible germination rates.    It wasn't always like this, before I could just throw seeds in a paper towel, put under my grow light and taadaa 80-90% germ rates. I...
  10. ThePepperTrent

    Peach Bhut Jolokia

    I am interested to see your pictures... Is anyone growing this variety? I just started some seeds that I got from Wicked Mike. Look forward to seeing how they grow...
  11. ThePepperTrent


    So I have been noticing all the memes around here. I am bored so I decided to make this thread... Just post your favorite memes below, hey you may even find some that you would like to use when talking about that one pepper guy you all love, think his company name starts with a 'B'... Anyways...
  12. ThePepperTrent

    CGN 21500 growing info?

    Hey ya'll , I recieved some CGN 21500 seeds recently. I am looking for some info on how to grow these. I have heard they are semi wild... Is this statement accurate? If so I have never grown anything like it, so tips are welcome. Please give me all the info you got on them. I'm pretty excited...
  13. ThePepperTrent

    Giant Pumpkin+veg. GLOG!!!

    Hello all I had no idea where to put this thread, so here it is! Yeah this is going to be awesome... Recently (yesterday), I ordered seeds from a record setting pumpkin. These are the type you see in your county fair or circus. The seed is from varieties ranging from 100-1000 pound pumpkins. So...
  14. ThePepperTrent

    wanted Non Pepper seeds... Cilantro Wanted

    Hey all! Does anyone have any type of cilantro seeds that they are willing to give up? I have a few pepper seeds I can trade... Let me know please! Thanks everyone!   TPT
  15. ThePepperTrent

    review PexPeppers To The Moon Hot Sauce Review

    So first I would like to start off with a big thank you to Pex... He was kind enough to send me a bottle of his "To The Moon" hot sauce. This sauce is awesome... He really makes a good sauce. The aroma smells like bbq or Worcestershire sauce, as my mother and grandmother say.  That aroma is...
  16. ThePepperTrent

    Chocolate Habanero help...

    Hello chilliheads! So I started these two Chocolate Habs about Oct. or Sept. Of last year. They are only about 5inches tall... They seem to be growing very slow. I have them inside because of winter, am I not giving them enough light? What could be going wrong, and what can I do to maybe give...
  17. ThePepperTrent

    seed-plant-vendors Park Seed Company...

    I just want to know the "scoop" about park seeds. I have seen the ads for them recently, probably won't buy from them unless they are good, probably not even then... Let me know what you guys and gals have heard of them...
  18. ThePepperTrent

    wanted Looking For...Black Pearl seeds.

    Hi guys and gals. I am looking for Black Pearl Pepper seeds. I have been trying to find these for a while now but have not been successful... Please let me know if you have these and are willing to give them away. Thanks all! Happy Growing TPT
  19. ThePepperTrent

    wanted Wanted! Jalapenos

    Hi all, I am looking for some type of jalapeno seeds like purple jalapeno. I want to grow them for my mother since she uses them for everything. Or if someone has some other type of jalapeno that are different from the usual please let me know so we could work something out.
  20. ThePepperTrent

    seeds-germination Seed germination?

    Hi all... So I have a question about germinating my pepper seeds. Is it OK to use a light to keep the soil warm?  I don't have a heat mat so that's out of the question... Any tips for keeping the soil warm or germinating the seeds? I am trying to sprout Bhut Jolokia, Caribbean Blend, and a mini...