Search results

  1. HellfireFarm

    labels-artwork Rethinking labels

    I'm getting ready for my first production runs with a copacker, and thinking about labels again. This past year, I revamped the labels to go with a white background instead of the original burgundy: One of the original labels (obviously without the ingredients - this was just dried peppers)...
  2. HellfireFarm

    other-condiments Testers needed!

    I have two new products I want to introduce before the next market season, looking for a few people to provide some feedback! Products are a BBQ rub and a habanero seasoned salt. If you are interested, pm your address and I'll send some out. Probably cap it around 5-6
  3. HellfireFarm

    production-facilities Copacker preliminaries

    I've narrowed my search down to a couple of copackers that are relatively local. I'm leaning toward one that is in the nearest town. But I'm curious about the process of getting set up with one. So far they all want an NDA - that makes sense, it really applies to THEM to keep my recipes...
  4. HellfireFarm

    Growing in winter (hoop house)

    So I have a 16x24' hoop house with 6mil plastic sheet covers. It's not bad for extending the season but sustained daytime temps <40 and night lows <30 make it difficult to keep warm right now. I'm wondering if anyone has had success growing in those sort of conditions - growing anything...
  5. HellfireFarm

    off-topic Any plumbing experts? Air in lines

    I have air in my water lines. Getting spurts in the shower, toilets, faucets. I'm reasonably sure it's the water heater which appears to have a bit of a leak but wanted to get some other opinions before taking any action. The only part that has me a little uncertain is that the cold water is...
  6. HellfireFarm

    fermenting Vinegar woes

    White fuzz suddenly covering my vinegar - wasn't there 2 days ago, appeared very suddenly. What might cause this to come on so quickly?
  7. HellfireFarm

    production-facilities Talking to copackers

    Not sauce bottlers - but I've finally got a list of possible copackers for some of my products. I'm finding that most if not all want a history, including sales volume, and will only talk to you if you meet a certain level already. Problem is, they want a much larger volume that I would be able...
  8. HellfireFarm

    recipe-help Recipe suggestions

    I'm making a sauce based on roasted Anaheims & Poblanos. Last time i made a sauce like this I used tomatillos and vinegar (and don't remember what if anything else). I don't want a recipe, I like making up my own - so just looking for some ideas of what to put in it.
  9. HellfireFarm

    Tomato probelms

    These are NOT doing well. It looks to me like multiple problems but I'm not totally sure what all of them might be or what to do next. The cracking is probably due to the weather recently. The holes look to me like something eating them, and it also looks like some signs of anthracnose. Do you...
  10. HellfireFarm

    other-condiments Chocolate bar

    Just finished work on a new product: HFF's Xocolatl "hot" chocolate bar - named after the original Mayan hot chocolate drink. They would make a hot "tea" of chocolate, cinnamon, and habanero. Milk chocolate, cinnamon, and habanero. I would offer some for feedback or as trials, but chocolate...
  11. HellfireFarm

    wanted Habanadas wanted!

    As it says, I need habanadas! All mine failed this year!
  12. HellfireFarm

    Bad year :(

    Last year had some issues with anthracnose setting in, but this year everything is worse. First, I moved the field and planted in a different area, but something like 95% of my starters failed after transplant. I can't think of anything I did differently than all previous years except maybe...
  13. HellfireFarm

    wanted Plants needed! especially HABANADA

    Not sure what happened but this was a bad year - lost most everything after plant-out! I'm totally out of some and need a few plants so I have at least a little supply - so anyone with any of the following available please let me know! * Habanada (REALLY need this one!) * Scotch Bonnet * Yellow...
  14. HellfireFarm

    wanted Carolina Reaper plants wanted!

    I have had absolutely horrible luck with reapers this year - only one viable plant, out of probably 2 dozen started! Must have had old seeds, because only the reapers failed! Anyway, I need some reapers! I would like 6-12 if possible. If you have extra starts please let me know!
  15. HellfireFarm

    other-condiments 505 Salsa?

    Shopping a couple days ago, I came across some "505 Roasted Hatch Green Chile Salsa" - produced in Hatch, NM. I figured I would give that a try since I'm always looking for good Hatch products. I was not impressed. It was thin and watery with little flavor, no heat, and had a slightly stale...
  16. HellfireFarm

    Extreme expiration

    My extreme just expired. I got a notification that it had expired, but I didn't realize it was closing on that time. Would there be any way to have something like a 7 day or 15 day notice before it expires?
  17. HellfireFarm

    production-facilities Advice for a big step?

    I'm looking at doing contract manufacturing. I have found companies that will make spice blends in bulk, and also some that bulk manufacture candy. I don't know much about co-packers, or even how that would differ, if it does, from what I'm looking at. But from the descriptions I've read it...
  18. HellfireFarm

    Hoop House!

    So last winter I stumbled across a crazy deal - a 16x40' hoop house for only $200. All the hardware, needs plastic ($300). Finally started putting it up. I'm reserving a part of it to keep heated and going to see how well I can grow in it over the winter.
  19. HellfireFarm

    What goes with ghost?

    Looking for some input on my next candy - what fruit flavors do you think work well with ghost pepper?
  20. HellfireFarm

    annuum Pepper size (rellenos)

    I really like Chile Rellenos, but I seem to have a hard time getting peppers consistently big enough to make good ones. For Anaheims (and the related Numex varieties) I use Sahuaro and Big Jim - Sahuaro is the most consistent size-wise, Big Jim generally turn out a bit small for stuffing. For...