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  1. AlphaHydroponics

    High Court Rules for Monsanto in Seed Patent Case

    So, here is the link to the WSJ article from today It may require a subscription to view. Those who can't view please email me with your address and I can send you a link via...
  2. AlphaHydroponics

    Pepper Growing Book "The Pepper Garden" DeWitt and Bosland

    A friend of mine gave me this book in the off season. I have not read it cover to cover... but many of the chapters on growing, photos, pepper id, pest id etc are well written. I just thought it worth mentioning as it is a great resource. Anyone else read it? It can be had on Amazon/ used/...
  3. AlphaHydroponics

    Bhuts, morouga, naga morich, jsb sfrb's available

    Just picked and ready to ship: Bhut Jolokia (mixed choc and red sfrb) 2 boxes available $20/box Naga Morich (sfrb) 1 box available $22/box Morouga Scorpion (sfrb) 1 box available $22/box Jamaican Scotch Bonnet (sfrb) 2 boxes available $18/box Please read carefully: Prices include shipping...
  4. AlphaHydroponics

    Pepper thieves at the community garden

    Tomato plant problems, pests, chipmunks and squirrels, now this... Between Monday morning July 9 and Wednesday evening July 11, We were the unfortunate victims of pilferage at Our community garden. Someone decided to help themselves to a selection from each one of my pepper plants. They took...
  5. AlphaHydroponics

    infusing salt, and booze with hot peppers

    Searched a bit before posting, but came up with little on infusing salt with hot peppers. Anyone have a good method? Also, hoping to match peppers with vodka and tequila for best flavor/ heat ratio. Your feedback is greatly appreciated! Regards, Chris
  6. AlphaHydroponics

    Helpful free app for pest identification

    We wanted to pass along a link to a free app for pest identification that we find helpful in the field. or
  7. AlphaHydroponics

    free FREE Datil Seeds for SASBE CLOSED

    We have a decent supply of datil seeds available for SASBE. Please follow the procedure for sasbe as detailed here: http://thehotpepper....-to-do-a-sasbe/ Please use your own return address. Approx 10-15 seeds available per request. Limiting to first 20 requests that post here. Our address is...
  8. AlphaHydroponics

    Spinosad as pest control

    We want to get some member feedback regarding the use of spinosad from those of you who have used it in the past. How effective do you find the product to be? Pros and Cons? Do you consider it organic or simply natural? Thank you in advance for your input. Regards, Chris
  9. AlphaHydroponics

    pests Nicotine tea as pest control?

    Has anyone used a nicotine tea on peppers or tomatoes before as a means for pest control? (white fly,aphids, eggs etc).
  10. AlphaHydroponics

    Horse manure and hot peppers, Yeah or Neigh ?

    Anyone got the straight poop?
  11. AlphaHydroponics

    Alpha Hydroponics GLOG 2012

    Playing catch up on the posting. Spring showed up about a month early here in Georgia and it's got us hoppin. Started around the1st of February, but staggered the germination trays by roughly a week to 10 days each. Started under 8 lamp T5, mixed bulbs. This grow will be "organic", meaning no...
  12. AlphaHydroponics

    Take 10% off Hydroponic Systems, Grow lights, Garden Supplies

    Our experience over the last few months as members of The Hot Pepper Community has been awesome. We have made a lot of new friends, learned a tremendous amount of valuable information, and have had a bunch of laughs too! We also recognize that members want a value when purchasing garden...
  13. AlphaHydroponics

    hydroponics DIY Flood and Drain Hydroponics system with Root Pouch fabric aeration pots

    You can build a suitable flood and drain hydroponics system (Flood Table) with just a few parts. Materials: Rubbermaid style table (cart w/wheels) approximately 2ft x 3ft, 4 inches deep (used $50) Rubbermaid style tote with lid $10 Small submersible pump $12 Flood and drain fittings $10...
  14. AlphaHydroponics

    trade Datil Pepper Seeds for Trade

    Just picked our last outdoor pods. Have some Datil Pepper seeds to trade. Will trade for most varieties except jalapeno. While supplies last/ US only. Thanks!
  15. AlphaHydroponics

    Datil pepper grow in DWC Hydro Under LED

    Here is a grow we have had going for a couple months now. This indoor garden features two independent Deep Water Culture (DWC) Hydroponics systems from AlphaHydro. The first system (shown on left) features a 5 gallon bucket reservoir, a 10 inch net pot bucket basket, and General Hydroponics...
  16. AlphaHydroponics

    8 Economical Hydroponics Systems Available

    Alpha Hydroponics and Garden Supply is pleased to announce we now offer 8 simple hydroponics systems for less than $50/including shipping (USA). A great introduction to hydroponics for the hobbyist, kitchen, garden to table enthusiast, or student. We also offer a variety of DIY Hydroponics...
  17. AlphaHydroponics

    HID Lighting and Grow Tent Bundles Available

    We want to let all of our friends at The Hot Pepper about the HID Lighting and Grow Tent bundles we offer. Now on sale! POWERTRIP Power Bundle - 600W Complete HID lighting system $472 Power Trip Plus 1000W Complete HID lighting system -$590 Versa Grow tent bundle 600W Complete Hydroponics...
  18. AlphaHydroponics

    T5 Fluorescent Light fixtures and Lamps available

    Indoor growing season is upon us! We have the following high output T5 fluorescent light fixtures and lamps available for immediate delivery. Fluorogrow Sprout - 2 Lamp, 4 foot t5 High Output Fluorescent Grow Light $59 A great value for the budget minded grower or commercial layout...
  19. AlphaHydroponics

    T5 Fluorescent Light fixtures and Lamps On Sale

    Indoor growing season is upon us! We have the following high output T5 fluorescent light fixtures and lamps available for immediate delivery. Fluorogrow Sprout - 2 Lamp, 4 foot t5 High Output Fluorescent Grow Light $59 A great value for the budget minded grower or commercial layout...