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    breeding Pepper crossing question

    Hey all, I wanted to get into pepper crossing this year. I kinda did last year but didn't emasculate the receiving flowers at all, so left it up to chance to see if they would pollinate by brushing the flower I wanted to use as my 'male' and then putting a very small seed ziplock plastic around...
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    pests netting for peppers to protect against things eating pods

    Hey all, any product suggestions for mesh/netting (or any other products?) that works for protecting pods from getting eaten? Any links to click on and buy are welcome :), esp amazon. My Grenada Seasoning peppers are prized among my family and something been eating the forming pods. I guess can...
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    wanted wanted: Grenada Seasoning plants for sale (and/or Aji Dulce#2's)

    Hey all, I was a little late ordering plants this year and forgot to get Grenada Seasoning (I have seeds of G.S. but would prefer just to get a large plant from a greenhouse grower :) ). Anyone have extra plants to sell? Note: I found one online seller for Grenada, but the shipping is a bit...
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    superhots Some non-superhot hybrids if anyone wants to try out

    Some of my favorite hybrids are these two... One is stabilized. One isn't but hoping it becomes stable 3rd year.    The one thats stabilized was supposed to be 'Pitanga Cafe' from the user AjiJoe here (great user here). It came to me hybridized though. It seems to be a hardy plant (was the last...
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    Pepper Harvest pic

    Thanks to AjiJoe to gave me some nice peppers this year, and a few others from years past... and i usually only buy from for the cool Trinidad varieties.   Got a few big harvests past few weeks... From rows, left to right: Row1: 2 Brain Strain, 3 Aji Lemon Drop, 3 Yellow Moruga...
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    Inca Berry, Pitanga Cafe, and Wiri Wiri ID

    Just picked some pods today ... wanted to confirm they are what I think they are. Inca Berry, thicker skin almost like a Red Rocoto pepper:   Wiri Wiri:     Pitanga Cafe: I see Aji Joe has this labeled as "red pods that look like a small Habanero, quite hit has a perfume aroma and flavor that...
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    color Trinidad Red Seasoning vs Trinidad Seasoning

    Hey all, Just curious, I got 'Trinidad Red Seasoning' from AjiJoe last year. I really loved it. It was like Sweet Habanero and Zavory, when it smelled hot but wasn't really hot at all. I also have 'Trinidad Seasoning' from PepperLover... http://pepperlover.c...uemart&Itemid=1 I thought the...
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    wanted Wanted: Aji Habanero, Aji Crystal, anyone want to trade?

    Looking for Aji Habanero, Aji Crystal, (maybe even Aji Amarillo, Aji Panca). I have lotsa things to trade. Grew 22 pepper varieties last year (and saved seeds from many user's pods I tasted this summer). Just give me a PM. Thanks!, Ari
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    trade Pod Trade?

    Hey all, I just thought it would be cool to do a trade of some pods with others looking to sample pods. I could also just pay to ship a pod(s) if you have nothing i want (realize might be a pain to ship just one pod... so would be optimal if you have a few of the pods im looking for... then can...
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    Yellow pepper I.D. help

    Hey all, I been sampling all the wonderful peppers I been growing this week. One of them I got from this store (I bought the 'Yellow Brain Strain 7 Pot'): http://seedcostore.w...ect-seedco.html I been very careful with my seeds so I think maybe its not what the vendor claims it was (should have...
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    My first attempt growing many hot peppers

    Thanks to all who gave me seeds or traded for my tomatoes. Just thought I'd post some pics and varieties Im growing... I'm growing: Aji Omni Color Aji Limo rojo Aji Cristal Aji Dulce #2 Aji Pineapple Bolsa de Dulce Aji Lemon Drop Congo Brown Hab Scotch Bonnet (Red Hat) TFM Scotch Bonnet...
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    breeding Cross pollinating peppers

    So I saw a couple youtube videos on cross pollinating peppers and it looks easy and really interesting and fun to try. I saw the chart which shows what happens when cross male and female of different varieties... Pretend I made a cross, that based on the cart I knew was Highly Fertile (as I'd...
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    trade tomato/peppers/other seeds trade for hot peppers

    Hello all, My name is Arian and this is my first post here... This is my first year gardening, and its been exciting summer ... Was pretty exciting to grow successfully 30 tomato plants (15 different heirloom varieties) and some peppers. I just closed down my tomato plants (some unknown red...