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    Red Savina or Orange Hab.

    I Bought a Red Savina Plant from Home Depot and Its Giving me This Peppers, they are Hotter than the Average Orange Habanero, itsOrange but has the Savina Look, Any Idea if it may be a Cross?

    seeds-germination Quick Question Regards Planting Seedlings

    Just Started my Seedlings about a Week I have 2 Seedlings out of 6, Is it Too Late to start Them or Em I just in Time? ? Im in So Cal, Ontario California To Be Exact, ....Not Canada its Naga Morich so I know they Take Longer to Grow than Usual Peppers, My Second Year Growing so Im not Really...


    I Believe its a Fungus and Its spreading to all My Pepper Plants, all are Getting this Pretty Hard, but my Manzano/Rocotto Plant is very Strong and its Blooming and Putting out Peppers like Crazy the Leaves from it is not Spreading to it That Hard

    organic-growing šoil ph and organic compost

    So I was reading online and found some information that kind of thru me off, first the page was sayinfg that the PH level has to be acidic, im not sure if that would b correct also it said that peppr plants dont like much compost material, well sense i found out that my pepper plants really dont...

    Water Inside Peppers?

    Is it Normal to find Water inside a Pepper? I pulled out a few Nagas and 1 Bell pepper and all of them Had lots of water in them, I drank all of them and the water wasnt even spicy (nagas) but the Peppers were Intolerable

    Leaves falling Off?

    For some reason the Leaves of the Plants on my Pots are all falling off, and the steams are getting all bald, also the tips of the branches are burnt like if something burned them, kinna weird, but all the rest of the plants on the floor are fine and more prolific

    preservation Freezing Then Dehydrating

    Ok So Sense Im The Only One who Really eats Super Hots in My House My Plants are producing a few More than I can Consume, I Freeze Some of them but I know they Loose there texture after, I was thinking What if I Freeze them and Wait till I get a Dehydrator, will the peppers not mess up or...

    Massive Flower Drop

    So this is the Biggest Pepper Plant I Have, I Believe its a Super Hot, This Plant is about 4 Feet From the Base of the Steam, It Has about 4 Branches and Has Hundreds and I Mean More than 100 Probably 200 Buds, But Once the Flowers Open they Just Fall, I Moved it from Full To Shade and Less...

    How Long Before Picking

    How Long do You Guys Normally Leave the Pods Hanging? I Mean Like after The Pod has Reach its full Color all Around, DO You Guys Keep the Pods a few more days? Do the Pods Get Hotter the Longer You Leave Them Hanging? I Want Personal Preference Ideas

    So. California Growers (Question)

    Fall is Coming any time soon, I Know We Live in Pepper Heaven as We Stay Hot Year Round, As this is My First Year Growing I had a Few Questions, Can I Keep my Pepper Plants Outside During Fall and Winter? Will They Stay alive till Spring? the ones in Pots Might...Just Might be able to Bring In...

    I Found a Scorpion

    I finally Found a type of Scorpion in my Garden, After Waiting for the plants to fruit I think I Found a Scorpion Type of pepper next to my Naga morich

    Bad Combination

    As we all know if its Hot coming in its gana Be hot Comming out, well let me explain what happen, I work at subway restaurant so i get a free 6 inch sandwitch witch i like to save till i get home so i can enjoy it with some peppers (hot) so I decided to add Extra Xxxxtra Olive oil, when i got...

    Weird Leaves

    No ferts, water about once a week and seems horrible compare to another plant in same compost and watering, the freen leaf im holding is from the healthy plant on another pot with same compost

    Proper Name

    Rocotto or Manzano? I hear & see both but whats the proper one?

    Half has Heat Half Doesn't

    So im going to called this the Yellow 7Pot and I piked it today opened it and took some seeds i was curious about the taste and heat I ate the bottom half and wow it was delicious, sooo good that i can say its my favorite pepper to date, well the one thing i noticed is that a bellpepper had more...

    The Heat, How To Prepare?

    Well From What I See, Southern California is Gana Get Over 100° this Whole Week All The Way To 106°, & I Know that Ain't Good For My Pepper Plants Specially the Ones in Pots, Ive Been Lagging it On The Cloth Sheets to Lower the Temps but Is There a Way To Keep em Fresh all Week? Any Tips

    Anyone 123


    Munching Plants

    So something is Munching on my Plants (Again!) I noticed a few leaves missing yesterday and today after work allthe leave are gone, i see its about to bush out so its still alive, i put salt around the pot so if there is slugs they will stop but what else could i do?

    Anyone With a Good Eye?

    All My Plants Have Lost There Tags Due To Cheap Markers & Rain so You Guys Will See Me Here Alot Is it too early To Tell?

    color Eating Green Peppers (Unripe)

    I Was eating and noticed I had a Green Habanero Hot Sauce and Thought if it was made with Unripe Peppers, Then The Taste was Way Different Probably better Than an Orange Hab. Do Any of You Eat Peppers Before they Rippen, I mean Dont You Lose the Heat? and Some Taste but Do Some Other peppers...