Search results

  1. etothepii

    Sloppy gardening, now I need help

    Upper left: Yellow Trinidad Moruga Upper right: Red Bhut Jolokia Bottom row: I cant tell. I think they are both Jolokia peppers. Maybe theyellow one is a scorpion. Should I judge by shape or color?  
  2. etothepii

    other-condiments Chipotle/Datil BBQ sauce

    This is my first attempt at barbecue sauce. I read a lot of recipes from around the web, and decided to keep it very simple. The ingredient picture is pretty accurate, except for a lot of extra brown sugar and extra cider vinegar. The jar on the far right is a previous season's datil puree in...
  3. etothepii

    event Columbus, Ohio North Market Fiery Foods Weekend

    Feb. 16 and 17. Not a big show, but folks in the general area should know about it. :)
  4. etothepii

    event "Zest Fest Midwest" in Colbumbus, Ohio Last weekend in June. It seems to be in the early planning phase. It's organized by the same Texas Zest Fest. Looks promising.
  5. etothepii

    "Ghosts 'n Stuff" Halloween Hot Sauce

    Mark this as an experiment gone right! I got the idea in the spring and planted my garden accordingly. Ghost peppers, pumpkin habaneros, and pumpkins. My pumpkin plants died, so I had to go with canned, but the result is quite good... Tastes a lot like a bite of pumpkin pie, then some...
  6. etothepii

    Picking Jalapenos ... Green, Red, or some of each?

    I let as many as possible go red, but sometimes I want peppers, and pick them green.
  7. etothepii

    Hot Sauce Misadventure in the Big Easy

    Here's a bit of a story for you. I hope there is something for all to learn. I had the opportunity to spend a few days in New Orleans for a conference, and I enjoyed the city very much! I knew that while I was down there, I should scope out the spicy food and buy some sauce for souvenirs. Or at...
  8. etothepii

    event Heat of Summer Fiery Foods Festival July 21, 2012 Foundation Park, Pataskala Ohio

    Heat of Summer Fiery Foods Festival July 21, 2012 Foundation Park, Pataskala Ohio
  9. etothepii

    Fathers Day a little early!

    Stopped by Cajohn's place in Columbus and picked out a little assortment.
  10. etothepii

    Got some great news today :)

    I had come to believe that my datil pepper source from St. Augustine wasn't coming through this year, but I was wrong, and I get my datil plant tomorrow. But another surprise ... there is a "Scorpion" pepper plant too. Now, which variety is this "Scorpion?" I don't know, and I don't even think...
  11. etothepii

    Garden progress!

    Back story: I started a garden as soon as I bought my house, about 12 years ago. At that time, parts of my subdivision were still being built. The builder was installing small rear stoops on everybody's back door, which people would tear out and replace with larger decks. However, those stoops...
  12. etothepii

    Goin' to New Mexico this June

    I'll be spending a week in the Ruidoso area. Looking for stuff to do. Thanks :)
  13. etothepii

    other-condiments Extreme Heat Mustard Fever, from Brazos Legends

    I ended up heading out to fast food with the family, and I didn't have any sauce on me :( So I made a pit stop at a store and found this on the shelf: (Pic from their web site) I planned on a chicken sandwich when we got to the restaurant, so I thought this would go nicely. And with a name...
  14. etothepii

    soil-media When do you take plants out of the jiffy tray?

    They have sprouted with 2-3 leaves. Still very small. I have pots and potting soil waiting. When is the right time?
  15. etothepii

    CaJohn's stand at the North Market, Columbus

    Sorry the pictures aren't great. My head was buzzing from all the samples!
  16. etothepii

    Jeni's Queen City Cayenne Ice Cream

    Hi everyone! Jeni's, a local ice cream maker (who has gained a little national notoriety for their flavors) produces one flavor called Queen City Cayenne. I tried it today at the North Market, in Columbus, Ohio*. I didn't snap a picture of the ice cream itself, as it looks like a regular dish...
  17. etothepii

    Hot Head Burritos

    I tried Hot Head Burritos today. One opened up in my neighborhood, so I thought it was time to go in. Here's a link to their web site: They appear to have about 30 franchises in Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, And Pennsylvania. Quite frankly, this place is a copy-cat...
  18. etothepii

    hot-sauce Arizona Pepper's Organic Chipotle Habanero Sauce

    Hi everyone!! I went to Marshal's today to look at shoes, and I remembered someone saying they will have some gourmet sauces from time to time. I looked and they had Melinda's Jolokia sauce which I already have, and this product, Arizona Peppers Organic Harvest Foods Chipotle Habanero Pepper...
  19. etothepii

    seeds-germination First timer planting seeds

    I've always purchased plants from nurseries. But tonight, I planted 40 seeds tonight. Ten each of red squash peppers, cayenne, pumpkin habaneros, and red bhut jolokias. When they sprout, they will go to the greenhouse at work until they are ready to go into the garden.
  20. etothepii

    Chile powder

    I've not ever made any ... on purpose, that is. A couple years ago, I was given a harvest of small, red, pointy chiles (don't know what -- might have been ornamental). I let them dry out, then roasted them briefly under a broiler, and finally crushed them up. I figured I'd have something to...