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  1. impending_bending

    How do you hide that smell?

    No not the dope, the peppers once they hit the hot skillet. 4:30 AM pepper cooking and a still-sleeping wife makes for a... Let's say 'rude awakening'
  2. impending_bending

    Hello again from the dark places losing all ones peppers can bring a man

    And thank you geonerd for hooking me up.
  3. impending_bending

    Sleep... is for the weak?

    Sleep! Weigh in.
  4. impending_bending

    overwintering and my winter is over :) ... actually never mf'ing began

    I OW'ed my plants, but it never froze one here. Winter is officially over for me as there are no more forecasted lows under 40F. Moved my plants away from the wall (were always outside) and into the sun. Shouldn't have OWed in the first place. 
  5. impending_bending

    Best sauce blender ever, and a hell of a recipe

    The single most important tool for your kitchen used to make the finest sauce ever concocted :
  6. impending_bending

    CPI SHU ratings for those who haven't seen them

    This is from the paper on the moruga when it was declared the hottest. The, let's say, less than decent person Jim Duffy supplied the seeds and he is adamant that a choc 7 is the same as a douglah so who knows what that actually is. So for what its worth, here ya go.
  7. impending_bending

    do you plant vendors actually cut through all the red tape? or sneak around?

    All of you seedling vendors out there - I was looking into shipping some plants and holy crap what a pain! Reading the requirements for each state is enough to deter me by itself. Do you vendors actually find the specific requirements, fill out the paper work, include the certificates, etc etc...
  8. impending_bending

    shipping plants

    Does anyone know of a good source for specialized boxes/packing materials for shipping small plants?
  9. impending_bending

    A Simple Microbe Tea Recipe and Its Effects

    Hey fellas,   I have had such great results with my tea recipe over the past few seasons that I wanted to share it. I have used this tea in soil and hydro, but you can't see the results in soil so all example pics are from hydro. There is another thread (the pinned one) that talks all about...
  10. impending_bending

    Ozone in hydro?

    It just occurred to me that ozone could potentially be used in hydroponics as an oxidizer. Sure it would be expensive so not practical but it might offer some advantages. I don't know why it is that algae is resistant to ozone while so many microbes are obliviated by it, but perhaps this trait...
  11. impending_bending

    wanted Looking for y7 and reapers

    Anyone got fresh yellow 7 pots (any strain) or reapers? 
  12. impending_bending

    Im going for BINGO

  13. impending_bending

    fermenting Mixing ingredients before or after ferment

    A question for the gurus: Suppose I ferment 'A' and 'B' separately (to completion) then mix them together and blend to a very liquid consistency. Would this differ from the result of mixing them together to begin with (in exactly the same quantities), fermenting (to completion again -- thats...
  14. impending_bending

    Can someone please explain? (accurately)

    Can someone please explain to me the differences between douglah, chocolate 7 pot and brown 7 pot? There are so many different claims made I have no idea what to believe, and I have only ever tried something labeled as "douglah"
  15. impending_bending

    food Pepper Grinder Recs?

    Time to buy a new grinder for making powders. Can I get some recommendations?
  16. impending_bending

    free plants if you are in tucson

    If you or someone you know happen to live in or pass through Tucson and want some plants, shoot me a PM
  17. impending_bending

    Anyone else in Tucson growing?

    Uhm, see topic title
  18. impending_bending

    In over my head

    I recently realized that I could never use all the plants I had. I then planted 200+ more seeds. I don't sell anything I just do it for fun, so not many are going out. I gave some to the local nursery but the guy doesn't want the not so famous ones. Friends have all they want. I'm soon going to...
  19. impending_bending

    Suicide by Peppers

    Lost a lot of $$ today, time to go wall street but I don't like heights so going out with a 'bang' of explosive diarrhea. Supposing I weren't full of sh*t, what do you think the easiest way would be? So this is probably gonna end up being a nasty thread but... Whats the biggest 'accidental...
  20. impending_bending

    food want to turn leftover spaghetti noodles into spicy asian stuff

    I have leftover spaghetti noodles and a store-bought beef stir fry thing. I want to make the spaghetti into those asian-style noodles and add it to the stir fry. I've got plenty of peppers to add, but what will make the noodles carry the spice and flavor well? Ideas?