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  1. Roo

    Same or different? I'm thinking different.

    I planted some old Tekne Dolmasi seeds that I found in my stash and was surprised when they sprouted. I bought them from Pepper Lover at least 4 years ago! I kept a couple plants (that aren't doing well - went on vacation and had a caterpillar decimate them - I found and smushed the caterpillar...
  2. Roo

    Roo's 2018 Container Gardening Attempts

    I caught the garden bug again.    It's been a couple years since I did much of any gardening - I moved to Asheville for a year and a half and had two 'gardens' that ended up being rather disappointing and producing very little of anything. What they did produce was quite disappointing - weirdly...
  3. Roo

    color Are 7 Pots any good when they're green?

    My poor 7 pots didn't quite make it in time - it's chilly now and the plants are losing their leaves. They only just started producing peppers a couple weeks ago so everything is still green! I'd hate to lose two entire plants of peppers just because they're green (I was hoping to make a batch...
  4. Roo

    preservation Vinegar free sauce recipes?

    I planted Tabasco peppers this year and now I'm dying to make a hot sauce. Problem is, I can't stand vinegar. The taste, the smell - I can't be around it. I tried making pickles and gagged until I tied a shirt around my face. The point, I suppose, is that I would love to make a vinegar free hot...
  5. Roo


    I'd never heard of these, but two of my peppers (of course, the only two I had of that variety...if I remember correctly, they were the FilFIl Baladis I was so excited about) were cut down at the base of the stem. One might survive (there are a couple leaves left as well as about an inch of...
  6. Roo

    container-growing Potentially Unnecessary Potting-Up?

    I saw a gnat near my baby plants yesterday and now I'm paranoid, so I'm thinking about repotting into new soil and pots. The pots they're in now are small (3"? the smallest "can go in the ground" pots that Walmart had) and I know I have at least a couple more weeks until it's consistently nice...
  7. Roo

    pests Bug ID without a picture...

    So I was checking on my germinating seeds tonight and noticed that my first jalapeno hook is... Just a stem. There are no leaves. So I picked up the seed case and squeezed it to see if perhaps the leaves just kind of detached (silly, yes, but Im new...). Instead of leaves, the seed casing...
  8. Roo

    Roo's (very first) Glog!

    I have never glog'ed before, but since I'm starting from seeds this year it seemed only appropriate to start now! I've never actually followed a glog, so apologies if mine misses the mark a bit...   On March 8, I started seeds for Dragon Cayenne (I saved these seeds last year and I'm not...
  9. Roo

    What are these?

    I picked these up at the Farmers Market this weekend. I was told they were habaneros, but I just wanted to make sure before I started cutting them up for the jelly I'm making.   
  10. Roo

    What is this?

    Not the pepper, but the strange "marbling" effect on it. I thought maybe something nibbled on it, but it's like it's under the surface somehow! Two peppers look like this. A sign of some sort of deficiency, or is it some kind of bug? I cut it open and while you can see the marbled area in the...
  11. Roo

    How early is too early?

    I want to start some seeds, see if I can get them to sprout, and successfully keep them alive. I know it's kind of early to think about starting (isn't it?) but I love having a project and since I've never planted from seed before, I feel like a little (a lot?) early is better than too late -...
  12. Roo


    I bought these as Caribbean Hot Peppers at a plant sale. The woman told me they weren't too hot - which I suppose is relative :lol: Anyway, I googled Caribbean Hot Peppers and apparently they're also called Scotch Bonnets and some are habs. Needless to say, I was a bit confused (I don't know...
  13. Roo

    A couple of pepper-growing questions...

    I have a small crop of peppers, including my two jalapeño plants and one poblano plant. The jalapeños came from Home Depot and the poblano came from a plant/herb sale - so I thought for sure it would be good.   This is the first year I've tried poblano, so maybe it's just a slow developer and...
  14. Roo

    Hello from NC!

    Hi all! I don't know much about hot peppers but I love growing them. We always had a garden growing up and my dad always had rows and rows of hot pepper plants - chilies, jalapeños, hot bananas, and various other varieties. I've always been too chicken to eat anything but jalapeños. This year I...