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  1. T

    What kind of anuum pepper is that?

    Well, so cayenne it is :) It's a nice pepper though. Low to medium heat but it's really prolific producer. Thank you :)
  2. T

    What kind of anuum pepper is that?

    It's not chocolate, turned red a couple of days later. Usually it turns red much faster, but this one took some time. At one point it was completely brown - same as ripe chocolate scorpions. It would be nice to have brown cayennes though. :) I couldn't post pictures, it said they are not...
  3. T

    What kind of anuum pepper is that?

    I know, that's why I asked if there's any way of telling their real I.D. They are around 15 cm long and pencil size thick. I got the seeds from Croatia.
  4. T

    What kind of anuum pepper is that?

    I have received a pepper seeds and I'd like to ID it. it's quite hot, but not extremely hot. It has thin red skin and they dry easily. They are the first ones to start and the last ones to stop producing. They have small leaves and flowers and they have quite a lot of pods.      ...
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    I have some seeds if anyone is interested - sell or swap...

    Wordpress/Woocommerce combination. It can be done really fast without any  serious problems. I was just playing with it and checked what can be done.
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    I have some seeds if anyone is interested - sell or swap...

    I have all those, sorry. I'll see what I can do about those chocolate morugas.
  7. T

    color Chocolate Moruga Brains (Varigated?)

    Not variegation. Like I said earlier, this is some kind of plant malfunction, yours is even more affected than mine last year. It recovered eventually and it ended up like all other plants, yet it remained slightly less vigorous. You can keep it if you want, it will produce just as good as others.
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    When are they hotter, ripe or unripe?

    I keep them until they are fully ripe. They taste improves and they don't really lose any heat. At least I think they don't. Capsaicin doesn't degrade very easily. I've had a half rotten Moruga pod lying outside through the winter, and in the spring, I touched the bugger with my bare hands...
  9. T

    I have some seeds if anyone is interested - sell or swap...

    I have collected quite a lot of seeds and I'm not going to need all of them. I'm not sure if it's not allowed to post here, in that case, one of moderators, please just remove it. If someone has spare seeds to trade, I'll gladly make a swap. Here's a short list of my peeper seeds. I also have...
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    Triple Cotyledon

    I have 2 this year. Carolina Reaper and Chocolate Moruga Scorpion
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    color Chocolate Moruga Brains (Varigated?)

    Had some seedlings last year that were the same. They were also a little bit stunted at first, but as they started actively growing, they turned out normal. Variegation was some kind of degeneration that luckily faded out with time.
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    Compost Porn

    That pile of compost raised my worm.
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    seeds-germination Starting seedlings in cold weather areas

    t's a good thing to start early. We also have danger of last frost lifted somewhere around mid May (usually a lot earlier, but you only need one cold night to kill all your chilies). I have learned it's best to start early, because when the summer finally arrives and chilies take off, they...
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    watering Fert/Water question

    I am doing the same thing and have observed the very same thing. For me, that green growth is not that problematic, because I know it's just an algae growth. They are attached to the jug and stay there, water inside is still colorless, without funky smell and without strange viscosity. I use...
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    How do I lower my PH in my solo cups?

    You can add a spoon or two of vinegar as a quick solution to lower soil pH if it blocks nutrient availability to your plants. I sometimes water with diluted coffee or add some coffee grounds into the soil as well. Well I usually don't have soil pH issues, because I like to mix decent amount of...
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    Coffee Grinds

    I have used coffee grounds last year. I mixed a lot of that stuff into the compost and later sprinkled more on top. I've had the best chili season so far. It's true though, that I also used more compost than ever before and we've had excellent weather. :)   I throw most on my blueberries and...
  17. T

    review Capsicum Eximium (CO 1225 but possible X) Pod Test

    I think they do. The skin is really thin, at several points between placental 'ribs' almost a bit transparent. I thought the skin was like that, because they were that thin, but it might be something else. If they are in fact related, I noticed they can be hot on the entry, but I've had no...
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    review Capsicum Eximium (CO 1225 but possible X) Pod Test

    I have the same looking plant with same looking pods that are orange. Placenta is white. I have no idea what kind of cross it is. They are quite hot though.
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    tutorial Fermenting Peppers 101

      Nuclear green, yellow mellow and bloody red. Going to fill up a bit the first one tomorrow. Didn't have enough pods today. :)
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    chinense Is there anything the tastes like a Bhut/7Pot with less heat?

    I only got the perfume, well it felt like sucking some kind of soap, from a yellow habanero. They really got nice and completely ripe, so I tried one. Not the best soap, but potent. :D