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  1. Inedible

    Burning Pee

    Dehydration can make it burn a little, too, if it is on the inside. On the outside, I agree that you probably had pepper juice soaked into your hands. It doesn't matter how many times you wash your hands.
  2. Inedible


    To me, Friday the 13th is a novelty and it is mildly amusing. I was surprised to find out that I work with people who are disturbed by it and that the ones who showed up were just trying not to think about it. 
  3. Inedible

    seeds Are Jamaican Hot Chocolate especially difficult to germinate??

    My first generation from purchased seed packet worked okay. A little less successful than my ghost pepper seeds. The ones I collected from peppers didn't germinate at all. So I guess results may vary.  
  4. Inedible

    Epsom Salts question

    My neighbors scoop out my plants and scatter the potting soil. Often they damage the roots, too, so if I get to them in time and put them back they still die.   I thought all birds do uric acid and not urea, including chickens?  
  5. Inedible

    Epsom Salts question

      My experience is limited, but I use Miracle Gro soil and I get more flowers. The explanation I read is that the magnesium absorbs very quickly. More nitrogen for more leaves and more magnesium for more flowers. For more heat in the pods, I have been taught to expect this from hot and dry...
  6. Inedible

    Epsom Salts question

    Epsom salt is good for having more flowers on your plant. More flowers means more chances for pods. More pods means more capsaicin.  
  7. Inedible

    Vanilla Extract

    There was a certain temperature for cooking with vanilla extract where you bake off all the good things that give it a complex flavor. If you cook above that temperature you might as well be using artificial vanilla because the result is the same. But I do think the temperature was fairly high...
  8. Inedible

    Why are my Poblano flowers dropping off?

    Neither thread - this or the link I followed - seems to have mentioned using epsom salt to increase the number of flowers. If a percentage of them are going to drop, and you can't find the cause, at least you can start with more flowers and hopefully get more pods.  
  9. Inedible

    I am looking for a project to work on...

    A detailed Scoville chart with lots of peppers on it an - if possible - commercial products out there on it. I read that Sriracha is a 2500, which isn't much compared to jalapeños at 3000 to 10,000. And people call it hot. And there are major bummers like Lola's carolina reaper sauce. When...
  10. Inedible


    Some of my mugwort seed went into pots and some I scattered around the apartment building where I live in areas they don't tend to mow very well. There were two pots in front of my apartment door on the second floor walkway. The first pot was dug in, but they left the main larger one alone. That...
  11. Inedible


    My first problem is that I don't know what mugwort looks like, but I don't see a lot of dandelions, either. There are a lot of parks in town and some of them have creeks or ponds. Every day I cross the Iowa River to get to work and there is a bike path that goes a couple miles along the river...
  12. Inedible


    Mugwort is an herb used for lucid dreaming. It helps to sleep better, and it also helps with memory. It is useful for anxiety and depression. If you work with hypnagogia for creative problem solving, wake induced lucid dreams, and out of body experiences, you can make a tea or smoke mugwort. All...
  13. Inedible

    What is digging into my potted peppers? Dirt flung out of pot, shallow holes.

    The last place I lived in had a lot of really bad neighbors. Their children dug up my plants. Aside from being small children, they had two other things in common. One was that they moved from Chicago so their families could have a better (safer) life here.  
  14. Inedible

    Why do my hot sauce taste like soup

    Is the problem that it is too thin? Maybe you need to cook it down longer to get a thicker consistency and a stronger flavor?  
  15. Inedible

    Y’all ever forget to harden off your plants

    When my wife and I moved to our current apartment, it was smaller than the previous one. I gave up the ghost pepper plant and kept the jamaican hot chocolate. The JHC went outside right away and almost all the leaves were ripped off by the wind. I only got one pepper and when I opened it up I...
  16. Inedible

    snack-food Ghost Pepper Chex Mix!

    Today I was out shopping when I saw the bag. I considered putting on a glove to eat it, but chose not to. It doesn't taste at all like ghost pepper. This is the kind of thing that makes me wonder how they can get away with it legally.  
  17. Inedible

    recipe-help Looking for a pineapple and melon recipe

    One time I tried to use pineapple and tomatillos in a blender with ghost peppers. Way too much pineapple and it didn't taste like a hot sauce at all. So I will be watching this thread.  
  18. Inedible

    pests this is how i control aphids on my pepper plant

    There is an episode of Trailer Park Boys called A Dope Trailer Is No Place For A Kitty (Episode) where Ricky uses ladybugs to kill mites on his pot plants. But what I keep reading is that the trick is keeping them around to keep eating pests. How do you do that? What keeps ladybugs in the area...
  19. Inedible

    chinense Ghost pepper disappointment

    When I bought ghost peppers from my local grocery, it had red and chocolate with yellow in the same box. The red and chocolates were hot, but the yellows were so mild I couldn't believe they were really ghosts.  
  20. Inedible

    chinense My wife is mad at me. Ghost peppers were involved.

    The grocery store had some plastic boxes of fresh ghost pepper. I put on my gloves and chopped them to store in vinegar, so all I have to do to add them to food is grab a spoon. Then I washed the knife and cutting board. A couple days later, my wife was dicing tomatoes. They tasted suspiciously...