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  1. Toddzilla

    pod Ghosts?

    I have this bad girl labeled as a ghost but it doesn’t look quite like my other two ghost plants. The peppers are pale green instead of the dark green I'm used to. Anyone recognize it?
  2. Toddzilla

    pests I'm fighting the good fight....

    Thanks for the link!! I like the bug idea but I was concerned about releasing bugs from somewhere else into my ecosystem since I cannot find them locally. I also tried the yellow sticky traps & abandoned the idea when a poor little lizard got stuck to one. The reflective mulch is a pretty neat...
  3. Toddzilla

    pests I'm fighting the good fight....

    I have discovered white flies on pretty much every pepper plant in my yard. I have been trying to spray them all off with the hose with absolutely zero results. Yesterday evening I hit them with some neem oil & I am praying it does the trick. If not I'm going to try a neem oil/soap blend in a...
  4. Toddzilla

    Tiny pepper salvaging operation

    That ol' girl is gonna love her new home & take off!
  5. Toddzilla

    pickling Re Using Pickle juice ?

    I always use my leftover brine to soak chicken wings(sometimes any cut of chicken.) overnight & then throw them on the Weber grill indirect. I find that veggies don't pickle well unless the brine is hot when the veggies go in.
  6. Toddzilla

    favorite What's your favorite hot sauce?

    I don't have a favorite because each flavor profile is good on certain things IMO. I like Tabasco on anything with marinara sauce & breakfast food. Chipotle Tabasco is great mixed with mayo & on pizza. Crystal is great on fried seafood. Sriracha & Huy Fong chili garlic sauce for Asian & Indian...
  7. Toddzilla

    pod How does this happen?!

    Upon further inspection a 2nd Fatalii labeled plant looks like red habs & a dragon's breath that is starting to fruit also looks like red habs. These kids are lucky I love them a lil' more than my chiles. My guess is a soccer ball decimated the table with the peppers on it & they just swept the...
  8. Toddzilla

    pod How does this happen?!

    It is a black drum. I caught this one in Venice, LA though. It was right after hurricane Zeta rolled through the area in 2020. The water was high & I didn't see much action that trip. New Orleans was a ghost town as well due to covid. It was a bummer but still better than working.
  9. Toddzilla

    pod How does this happen?!

    I think they are red habs as well. My guess is one of my kids knocked some pots over during germination & just put the name tags anywhere they would fit. I'm sure it is user error & not the wrong seeds in the packs.
  10. Toddzilla

    pod How does this happen?!

    The yellow was more spicy than the red. The red was a little more fruity than a red hab. but they were both pretty tasty. The yellow was the only pepper on the plant. The red has a bunch. I will get some pics this evening.
  11. Toddzilla

    pod How does this happen?!

    Hello all! It's been a while since I have been here, life is crazy with two elementary aged kids. Last year I planted Fatalii seeds from a reproable purveyor that I get pretty much all my seeds from. This year they finally started to fruit & one plant has red & the other the yellow peppers that...
  12. Toddzilla

    favorite If you could only grow "one" superhot ?

    Carolina reapers are still the king in my garden. At least until my Primotaliis start producing. I have high hopes for them.
  13. Toddzilla

    pics Months of sweet talking & feeding…

    One of my Carolina Reaper plants finally has a small pepper on it. I was beginning to think it would never happen. To say I was excited when I saw it is an understatement. I started these in November of 2022.
  14. Toddzilla

    New User from Germany.

  15. Toddzilla

    pics Finally some ripe pods….

    My SRTSL plant is finally giving me some peppers. They’re pretty spicy & delicious! Not a bad looking pepper either. Anyone else growing them?
  16. Toddzilla

    fertilizer FoxFarms Trio question

    From my understanding you would use all three at the same time. They have the proper measurements on their website.
  17. Toddzilla

    music What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Roger Allan Wade
  18. Toddzilla

    Hello all!

    Hi everyone. My name is Todd I’m located in steamy zone 9b aka Brandon, FL. I’ve been growing chiles for hot sauce, wing sauce & salsa for a few years. Just habanero, ghosts & Carolina reapers. When hurricane Ian rolled through he decided to kill them all. So I decided to up my production much...