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  1. P

    chinense Chocolate Bhutlah SM

    Let me ask you guys something. the Chocolate bhutlah SM is that a cross between a bhut jolokia, a 7 pod douglah, and a butch t or is it just bhut jolokia crossed with 7 pod douglah?
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    review Chocolate Brain strain review

    Judy has been sending me pods for a few years now. I am hoping she will send me a couple of her chocolate brainstrains this year. I would love to try one.
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    hot-sauce Flashbang Hot Sauce - Oh dear god why?

    I tried Flashbang. For an extreme sauce it was O.K. but I thought Satan's Blood and Da Bomb Final Answer were a lot hotter. Taste is about the same though.
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    Danny Cash Bottled Up Anger

    Bottled Up Anger is a sauce that has been around for quite a few years now. I believe it was Danny Cash's first sauce. The sauce is also known as Garlic Serrano.  It remains to this day one of my all time favorites.The color is a greenish brown with tiny bits of red mixed in(due to the small...
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    color The Chocolate Brain Strain beats the living crap out of me!

    Are Judy's chocolate brainstrains and Pex Peppers hydroponically grown ones the same heat level? If anyone can give me info about this I would appreciate it. Also Judy, are you selling fresh pods this year?
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    Golden Pure Evil

    No I have not tried Pure Evil since my taste test. After the Satans Blood and this test I need a little break. Next time though I will try it on cookies.By the way, the bottle you gave me was that 1/4oz or 1/8 oz? Just curious.
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    Golden Pure Evil

    As a lot of you know Ann at Texas Creek recently started selling a form of Pure Evil that rates at 9.6 million scoville units. About a month and a half ago she sent me sort of a test batch.The scoville units  are a couple million lower. Besides from what I understand after 6 million, the...
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    extreme-heat Satans Blood Chili Extract

    I wouldn't really call it gross. It's more of an extremely strong, unnatural taste, like something you are not supposed to eat. Yeah, Pure Evil 7.6 million is next and I am not really looking forward to that one either as I don't care for the taste of alcohol. I will do a review on it though.
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    extreme-heat Satans Blood Chili Extract

    Today I am going to review the mighty Satans Blood. The only true extract I have done previously was Da Bomb The Final Answer. This one is a bit different and I will go into detail why.   First of all the bottle and label are quite unique. It is a vile shaped bottle with a cool label attached...
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    spicy-products blair's death rain habanero chips

    I am not much of a spicy snack eater but I have been seeing reviews about blair's death chips for a while now and decided to purchase a bag to see how they compared with store bought chips. The bag is rather small I must say. The flavor is somewhat barbecue-like and you can't really taste the...
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    review 7 pod brown & charleston hot

    Recently I've had the pleasure of eating both a 7pod brown and a Charleston hot cayenne from pepperlover. The 7 pod brown tasted fruity and hit only one spot; the back of the throat. Is that common with this chili? Also, while I found it to be very hot it was not that painful if that makes any...
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    review Reviews Series Round 2 - Jamaican Yellow Scotch Bonnet

    Today I ate one of Judy's peach bhut jolokias whole.  It kicked my butt good!  Not quite as much as the red bhut carbon I ate last year, but I still had to have two glasses of milk after. Remember my tolerance is low especially compared to Brian.  Is it just me or are Judy's peppers hotter than...
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    chinense assam red bhut vs peach bhut & 7 pod brown

     Thanks for the feedback. They should be 7 pod browns. I got my chilisfrom Judy at and she's pretty accurate. As far as my heat tolerance goes it is quite low compared to some of you. I am not the type of person that can pop jalapenos one after another like they are pickles. I...
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    chinense assam red bhut vs peach bhut & 7 pod brown

    Hey everybody,   Last year I ate an assam bhut and found it to be the hottest pepper I ever ate. My question is how does a peach bhut compare heatwise with a red? Also, how does the 7 pod brown compare with the bhuts? If anyone has experience with these strains let me know as these are...
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    Heartbreaking Dawns Cauterizer

    Cauterizer is the second sauce I purchased from Heartbreaking Dawns. I reviewed 1542 about a year ago and while I thought that was a good sauce it has nothing on this. First of all the artwork is great as always the case with Heartbreaking Dawns. Cauterizer is made with scorpion chilis and also...
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    hot-sauce Ultimate Jolokia Extreme Sauce

    I heard about this sauce and The Extreme Gourmet a while back from watching Dale Tomel who is a youtube reviewer and has done many videos in the past. He said Ultimate Jolokia is the hottest non extract sauce he's ever tasted. So recently I called the man who runs The Extreme Gourmet near...
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    El Yucateco XXXTA Hot

    I tried El Yucateco XXXTRa hot a few times before but I did not actually purchase a bottle until a few weeks ago. The price is cheap, only 3-4 dollars a bottle. The bottle is 4 oz instead of the usual 5 oz. Unlike most habanero sauces the color is a deep brown rather than a red. I suppose this...
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    African Rhino Extra Hot

    Recently I went to a local store (sort of) with the intention of purchasing a sauce with just the peri peri(aka) bird's eye chili simply because I wanted a break from the usual jalapeno/habanero/jolokia. So I saw this pretty bottle and decided to give it a try. Besides I saw Neil Smith review it...
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    review Official Review: CaJohns Trindad Moruga Scorpion Hot Sauce

    I don't know why, but the Trinidad Moruga Sauce did not seem that hot to me. Certainly not as hot as many of his other products. I found Ignite, Scorch, Talon, Krakatoa, and Lethal Ingestion all to have more heat than the Moruga sauce.
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    review Lethal Ingestion Review

    Ever since Cajohn announced Lethal Ingestion several years ago I was very curious about it. An all natural sauce with extract like heat. But for some stupid reason I kept putting it off. Then I read the reviews and was surprised at their diversity. Some made it to be hotter than extract sauces...