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  1. ultravista

    fermenting Fermentation Time?

    It will be refrigerated for sure. I plan on boiling it (not cooking) for a few minutes when done too.
  2. ultravista

    fermenting Fermentation Time?

    Wow, the kahm yeast grows fast. In a day, it went from a slightly visible film haze to a much more pronounced layer. It is pure white.   You definitely need to get some sort of ph tester particularly if you aren't refridgerating it Are you talking about refrigeration during fermentation or...
  3. ultravista

    fermenting Fermentation Time?

    I do not have a PH mater (or strips) so I'll have to figure it out. If not stirred once a day, a thin film of kahm yeast forms on the top. So I have been opening to stir which I now understand is introducing oxygen and perpetuating the kahm formation. The bulk of active/visible fermentation is...
  4. ultravista

    fermenting Fermentation Time?

    I have a batch of mixed peppers fermenting for about two weeks now. It fermented 68° to 70°F, ambient temperature for the kitchen.   This is my first hot sauce ferment ... The bubbling has subsided and I get a thin film of kahm yeast in a day or two without stirring. It certainly does not look...
  5. ultravista

    Melinda's Peppersauce Recipe?

    Back to my question: I am looking for a Melinda's peppersauce recipe. Anyone have a good one that's close to the original?
  6. ultravista

    Melinda's Peppersauce Recipe?

     Hence the reason for my question ...
  7. ultravista

    Melinda's Peppersauce Recipe?

    I am looking for a Melinda's peppersauce recipe. Anyone have a good one that's close to the original?
  8. ultravista

    tutorial A Guide for Cloning Pepper Plants

    I had no idea you could propagate cuttings like this. I've had branches break off, put in dirt and kept moist that did not root (dried and died).
  9. ultravista

    Need Help Identifying These Peppers

    No, this was my own mixed bag of dried peppers. It's been a while but I do recall growing Tabasco 10 years ago.
  10. ultravista

    Need Help Identifying These Peppers

    They sure do look like Tabasco.   It was a mixed bag of peppers from 2004.
  11. ultravista

    Need Help Identifying These Peppers

    Both are very similar but appear to be different plants. The smaller more compact plant has tiny leaves and is 'bushy' while other has what I would call 'normal' pepper leaves.   If Tabasco, why would the leaves and plant be so dissimilar.
  12. ultravista

    Need Help Identifying These Peppers

    I have two very similar pepper plants, plants that I started from seed last year, and I don't know what they are.   One is compact with small leaves (first picture), the other is not as compact with larger leaves (second picture).   The compact plant has smaller peppers compared to the other.  ...
  13. ultravista

    seeds-germination germination without heat source

    I mainly grow wild types, Tepins, Piquins, etc. These typically take 30+ days to germinate and I am using old seed stock. Using the coffee filter/plastic bag method, I can at least check progress.   While the seeds are old, two varieties, Simojoval and Parado (both from Mexico) germinate with...
  14. ultravista

    seeds-germination germination without heat source

    Most electronics generate heat. Laser thermometers are awesome too and very handy.   I double bag my moist coffee filters to be safe. The bag sits on top of a folded towel resting on the router.
  15. ultravista

    seeds-germination germination without heat source

    I have several seedling mats but decided to lay the double-ziplocked bag on my router. I had to put a towel underneath and the bag is in the mid 90s. This is approximately the same temperature as the seedling mat.
  16. ultravista

    seeds-germination seed germination

    I use coffee filters as they are more dense and the roots are less apt to grow into the medium.
  17. ultravista

    Can anyone confirm if these chillies are real?

    Here's the photo w/out the child.
  18. ultravista

    fermenting My first Ferment

    Where do you get the whey or other 'starter' yeast for the ferment?
  19. ultravista

    tutorial A Guide for Cloning Pepper Plants

    nuclearDays - thank you for the excellent guide!