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  1. P

    Aji Yellow vs. Lemon Drop

    The Aji Yellow looks like a pepper I grew this year that I bought from a local nursery that was called a Chileano, is that the same thing? The "Chilenos I grew have a great flavor and love them just marinated in vinegar and salt after a couple of weeks
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    smoking smoked habs:)

    Those look great, do you mind telling us how do you do it? Also I was wondering do you know how to do Chipotle peppers?
  3. P

    Home made Tabasco sauce

    The flavor was pretty darn good after about 3 or 4 months and has gotten nothing but better over the years and the heat has kicked up a bit to. We use it on everything from eggs to baked potatoes and any recipe that calls for hot sauce. I also sent a batch to my brother in Oregon last year...
  4. P

    Home made Tabasco sauce

    I started growing Tabasco peppers about four years ago and when they were nice and red I picked, washed and air dryed them, then in a 1/2 gallon hard plastic container with seal type latch down lid I put about 1/3 full of peppers, 2 tablespoons of kosher salt, and filled to the top with white...
  5. P

    What to do with my Tabascos?

    About 3 years ago I started growing Tabascos and had a pretty good harvest. I put them in a large glass container (about 2 quarts) and covered them with white vinegar, added a couple of teaspoons of salt (more or less depending on your taste), covered it and let it sit in the pantry. After a...
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    I try to tackle a chocolate hab

    I'm pretty new to the growing scene, what do you mean by overwintering your peppers? Thanks, and great video you looked like you were enjoying your heat while showing off your great stash.
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    New To Peppers and Wondering

    Thanks, your help is much apprecieated
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    New To Peppers and Wondering

    I bought this plant at a local nursery and was told it was a pepper, but they weren't sure what kind because the tag was lost. It was the only one there. Before I eat one I want to make sure it's a pepper and what kind. Does anyone know what it is and is it hot, tasty, or what. I must be...
  9. P

    video BeagleStorm vs. The Chocolate 7 Pot Chile - A Video Review

    I'm new to the chile growing and forum, so not that familar with the different chiles and I was wondering if the chocolate habanero is the same chile as the one your eating
  10. P

    A little video of my 2009 season.

    Very nicely done video and great looking pepper plants. My wife and I are just getting into growing different kinds of chiles. We started a couple of years ago like most people buying JalapeƱos then Serrano's, Habaneros, Caribbean Red, and Tabasco from the local nursery. This year I have some...