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  1. sveedy

    Fish Pepper

    i've got one of these growing from seed, it was the only one from 8 that germinated (not sure if it was me being useless or duff seeds!). it looks great even though it is still quite small, will get it out in the garden come april or may.
  2. sveedy

    Yellow/Orange Sauce

    haha! that would sure wake you up quick....
  3. sveedy

    first time hot sauce making

    all done! no thyme used this time. bottling was a steep learning curve....scalded myself with boiling water, funnel i bought was useless and clogged up so had to improvise one from tin foil, kitchen is covered in viciously hot sauce spills, the wife's favourite dish towel is now stained red...
  4. sveedy

    first time hot sauce making

    Hi folks quick question - i have lost patience and want to make the sauce up has only been fermenting for about 6 or 7 weeks. i want to put in some fresh thyme to the this a no-no from a food safety point of view? it will be put in before i blend it and heat to 195...
  5. sveedy

    Too funny not to post...

    haha! i am almost in tears reading work colleagues think i'm mad sitting at my computer trying to stifle the laughter. thanks alabamajack, that's made my day much brighter!
  6. sveedy

    first time hot sauce making

    i've done a ph test (using litmus paper, not a meter) on the briny showed as being closer to ph3 than ph4. that is ok isn't it? I presume when i blend the sauce the ph level may rise a bit due to the lower ph values of the shredded carrots etc.
  7. sveedy

    first time hot sauce making

    thanks RM. I'll need to get a thermometer and some unscented bleach too. I may as well kit myself up properly as this sauce i am making will be the first of many!! at the end of this summer I should have a heap of home grown chillis to make sauce from.
  8. sveedy

    first time hot sauce making

    thanks rocketman, good to hear that i'm on track. i'll aim for 60 days of fermenting then bottle it up. just need to buy some funnels, bottles etc!!
  9. sveedy

    first time hot sauce making

    Hi folks i'm trying to make my first fermented hot sauce, used the method described in rocketman's sticky post (thanks for th excellentpost rocketman!!) used- scotch bonnet chillis carrot onion garlic starter culture from natural yoghurt brine the mix started bubbling nicely but now (three...