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  1. J

    No Buds?

    Weather here is pretty hot, mid to high 90's in the day, maybe back down into the high 70's at night if it gets that low, I did get a late start on growing so I tried to buy a little time by buying some 6-8 inch plants around May, I am going to try and over winter the small ones that I started...
  2. J

    No Buds?

    I have a variety of peppers growing, red yellow and chocolate bhuts, pumpkin habs, butch t, and some others, all plants seem to be growing good, but the only one that has any buds is the yellow bhut it has about 5 none of the others even have flowers, is there something i am doing wrong for the...
  3. J

    Yellow Cayenne?

    Heat is about normal for Cayenne, real thin (paper like skin on it), almost a sweet taste at first before the heat comes on, Heat is not as intense as some of my Japalenos that have rippened already (which supprised me) but heat does last about twice as long. Good pepper over all
  4. J

    Yellow Cayenne?

    Its the shape that threw me off, these had more of a japaleno shape to them not the long slender shape my other cayenns have.
  5. J

    Yellow Cayenne?

    Got this plant from the box store and they claim these are cayenne but i have not seen any like this before?
  6. J

    vendor Refining fire chiles

    I ordered some from them, Even after sitting in my local post office over the weeked (not the company's fault) i got them today and they look great, I have another box that should be there in the morning, I have been very satisfied thus far and Jim addressed my questions very quickly when I...
  7. J

    Starting Fresh

    Just got my shippment in today. Here are some pics of the Butch T, Devils Breath, Devils Tounge, along with a pic of my hab plant that hates any sunlight, I keep him in the shade on the porch all day and night and he seems to love it.
  8. J

    Starting Fresh

    I made sure it wasnt, luckily I read the review here on them and was thankful i did afterwards. On a up note, my serano peppers that i planted from seeds last week are already starting to reach for the sky, they have been in the pots for 8 days now and this morning I had 10 little guys waiving...
  9. J

    Starting Fresh

    The plants are coming from, I belive the name is california seed and garden, I have never ordered from them before so my fingers are crossed they are the right plants.
  10. J

    Starting Fresh

    Any suggestions on a good store bought mix, I have tried a few different ones but was wondering if that might be my problem, maybe these little hot buggers need something different.
  11. J

    Starting Fresh

    Since my dive into the world of peppers has been kind of rocky, (all the seeds i have planted either havent sprouted or sprouted and died) I have one last option I am trying, I have a few plants being shipped to me now, These state to be the butch t scorpion. Since I made a noob mistake of not...
  12. J

    Starting Jolokia I will give this a try, I know its not a good pic, but its the best i could do, i hope you can see the little sprout there
  13. J

    Starting Jolokia

    Im not sure about the nutes, this was just the standard miracle gro potting mix, as far as watering I started out with a spray bottle since i was afraid of overwatering, I have since started just lightly pouring the water into each section of the tray because the spray didnt seem to give it...
  14. J

    Starting Jolokia

    Just giving them water, I was afraid of over watering them so im thinking the temps plus not enough water was the problem, Since the weather has gotten hot here in alabama I have since moved them to a outside greenhouse to give that a try. the temps are staying in the high 80's now in the day...
  15. J

    Starting Jolokia

    Hello all, first time posing, I have decided to try my luck at some bhut jolokia, all I have grown in the past is just the normal jalapeno cyenne type peppers, thought i would try something more exotic. I have them in a small indoor greenhouse with a heating mat to regulate the temp, I had 3...