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  1. SichuaneseFoodFan

    Blisters 2016 LED Coco grow

    beautiful job
  2. SichuaneseFoodFan

    Blisters 2016 LED Coco grow

    Nice job blister, what kind of coco do you use?  where do you get it?   Thanks
  3. SichuaneseFoodFan

    DC Balcony Glog

    We've been in the 90s. The Chilis are loving it.
  4. SichuaneseFoodFan

    Ignite's 2015 Superhot Grow

    those pods look so cool!
  5. SichuaneseFoodFan

    Numex Mirasol - Strange Growth Habit

    looks so much like mite damage to me
  6. SichuaneseFoodFan

    hydroponic DIY guide: how to make off grid hydroponic self watering container

    How often do you have to refill the reservoir in the Alabama summer?
  7. SichuaneseFoodFan

    annuum hottest annuum variety you have tried/grown

    My demon red chilis are the hottest annuum I've tried.  They are about as hot as my goat's weed, but IMHO demon red have a little more/better flavor.
  8. SichuaneseFoodFan

    DC Balcony Glog

    Looking good!  FYI - I just finished bringing all my plants inside... so much work but better than risking it.  It's going to be a very cold night and I don't want them to get any frost damage or get stunted.
  9. SichuaneseFoodFan

    DC Balcony Glog

    If you put a layer of sand on the top of the soil it should keep the gnats away.  Good luck!
  10. SichuaneseFoodFan

    water Drip irrigation ebay

    I've used tropf blumats for a couple years now and like them.  I grow organically myself so I just run plain water, but I know they don't clog with standard salt fertilizers if you use a product called drip clean.  You can get blumats cheaply at costco now, and sometimes on ebay.
  11. SichuaneseFoodFan

    DC Balcony Glog

    I don't spot any aphids till September, and I get a lot of natural aphid predators that keep the population low to the point that they're harmless.  If I bring any plants inside it's another story.  I don't do that anymore though, between the bugs and the electricity drain from the lights it's...
  12. SichuaneseFoodFan

    DC Balcony Glog

    I grow in DC too, over by union station, on my stoop.  What pests have you had problems with?  I get some aphids at the very end of the season, but nothing else to speak of.  I used to get mites when I grew tomatoes, but now that I stick to peppers the mites stay away.
  13. SichuaneseFoodFan

    wanted Wanted - Facing Heaven Pepper seeds

    I've now grown many, many, many varieties of this pepper.  The conoides variety I got from Lourens aka PeriPeri on the forum is the real deal.  It simply isn't a spicy pepper, but the flavor is unique and it's what you want if you're looking to cook Sichuanese food per Fuschia Dunlop, for...
  14. SichuaneseFoodFan

    Thrips battle pt2 - predatory mite experiment! :)

    Moosery, I really appreciate the feedback.  I'm going to give them a try.  Hopefully I can find some a supplier of feisty mites in the States.
  15. SichuaneseFoodFan

    Thrips battle pt2 - predatory mite experiment! :)

    Hey Moosery, what's your final review of the predators?  I'm considering buying some but can't find much real world experience.
  16. SichuaneseFoodFan

    Growth rate questions

    congratulations you have thrips   sounds like you should be fine
  17. SichuaneseFoodFan

    Is a 400 watt light enough?

    where do you see MH makes less heat than HPS?   thanks
  18. SichuaneseFoodFan

    Is a 400 watt light enough?

    A guy grew this with a 400w hps: Even though it's outside at the moment, it was only recently transferred and grew that big in a tent with another plant to boot.
  19. SichuaneseFoodFan

    soil Questions about recycling soil

    I've had good luck reusing my old soil.
  20. SichuaneseFoodFan

    Thrips battle pt2 - predatory mite experiment! :)

    I thought these predators only eat the early nymph stage of thrips, but don't affect adults.  It's interesting that you found they seem to have rid your plants of all thrips in a 48 hour period.