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    smoking Skippy's Sweet Key West BBQ Sauce

    Has anyone found the most economical way to ship those 12z bottles?  If someone were to buy just a single bottle of sauce?  It won't fit in a small flat rate box.  Do they sell small boxes for 1 bottle of sauce?
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    production-facilities Coupla questions for those who have used copackers

    How much information should you disclose with the co-packer during an initial meeting?  I'm planning to meet with a local co-packer and just trying to get a sense for what might come up.  I'm guessing we will discuss packaging, process, rough idea on ingredients, and minimums?  Later down the...
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    bottling Bottling system better than funnel?

    I'm going head out to a local brew shop this week and pick up one of these kettles.  In addition to everything else it has going for it valve, built in thermometer, it's also a huge kettle which is perfect.  Thanks for all the suggestions!
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    bottling Bottling system better than funnel?

    @capsaicin that's a cool idea.  I came across several brewers kettles (for making wort) that go for $100-$200 and look just like what you put together with the thermometer and all.  I like the cheaper price tag (vs handy fill) and the fact that it can sit on the stove to maintain fill temp...
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    bottling Bottling system better than funnel?

    Has anyone found a better way to fill 5z woozies?  Just looking for something more efficient and standard vs using a funnel.  I tried searching online for a DIY manual hand pump of some sort but haven't found anything yet.  I also strolled the aisle of the local Home Depot but nothing has...
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    business-legal Info from FDA

    With respect to the address that is placed on the label of a bottle of hot sauce.  Does anyone know which address it should be if I am manufacturing at a commercial kitchen?  I've been told different things from local vs state health inspectors.  Should it be the address of the commercial...
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    shipping-packaging Best way to package and ship your product?

    For 5z glass woozie bottles.......   Do most people just use the boxes that USPS includes in the price of flat rate shipping (small, medium, large boxes) for all of their shipping needs?  Does anyone reuse the boxes that the 12 5z bottles come in?  If so do you add additional insulation (bubble...
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    Trying to find a process authority in Connecticut

    Do you know if you're typically allowed to sanitize everything at home (bottles, utensils, etc), store in sanitized plastic bins, and bring to the commercial kitchen to start making and bottling sauce?  Or do they (health inspectors) typically want the sanitizing to be done at the kitchen as well?
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    misc Woozy cap liners

    Sorry this is for a cold fill.  Don't want the bleach to get caught under the liner which is why we're thinking about the no-liner.  Haven't tested to see if the sauce would leak out of the bottle w/out the liner in place.  That would be the next thing if the no-liner/cold fill thing worked.
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    misc Woozy cap liners

    I'm assuming that without the liner you can then sterilize the whole things (caps and bottles) using bleach?
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    bottling Bottling Hot Sauce

    Does this seem like a good approach to sanitizing bottles/equipment? 1. Create a sanitizing solution of 1 tsp bleach to 1 gal water 2. Sanitize new bottles, caps, and all equip (funnels, etc) using this solution 3. Bottle at 190deg, put cap on, and flip over. 4. Let bottle sit upside down...
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    Help for a Beginner

    While I know it's not required to have a nutrition panel on your sauce (while you're starting out and small) I still would like to include one for my future customers. I've also gotten good recommendations for companies/universities that offer nutrition testing from THP (approx $100 - $150 for...
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    bottles-bottling Where do you get your 5 Oz woozy bottles from & lowest cost

    Those are the 3 colors that i keep coming across too. Your shrink band idea might achieve the same effect though. Thanks!
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    bottles-bottling Where do you get your 5 Oz woozy bottles from & lowest cost

    Does anyone know where to get some different color caps for the 5z woozies? Maybe a blue one?
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    Adding Pasteurized Fruit Juices

    Thanks for the insights. Another question based on the 180 deg bottling temp. Right now i'm working with small quantities and can get my sauce in the bottles before the temp falls below 180 deg. For people that are working with larger batches are you continuously reheating to maintain the...
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    Adding Pasteurized Fruit Juices

    I have a question for anyone that has experience adding pasteurized fruit juices to a hot sauce. If I were to boil my peppers and spices, pull it off the stove, and then add a small amount of pasteurized fruit juice would this negatively impact the shelf life in any way? Does shelf life mostly...
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    profit margins?

    Thank you Salsalady and LDHS. I will start with the state authorities and let them point me to the types of tests I need. I think i'm getting off track by being exposed to so much info and just need to focus on having someone (AHJ) tell me what i need as opposed to trying to figure it out.
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    profit margins?

    @salsalady What are the tests you would recommend performing for any small time hot sauce business that is looking to sell online and at farmers markets. 1. pH Test: I have a pH meter and my ranges are from 3.6 - 3.8. Would you still recommend having a univ. test this? 2. Shelf life...
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    labels-artwork Labeler Machine or Hand Labeling

    @salsalady I think i'm leaning towards using full sheets to start and maybe look into ordering rolls down the road. Do you make the cuts on your own or does your printer do that for you as well. I've never been able to get those big slicers they have to work for me :) I think i'll also hand...
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    labels-artwork Labeler Machine or Hand Labeling

    I'm in the process of creating labels for my sauces (5z Woozy) and was curious about a few things: 1. Are most people hand applying labels or using a label machine? 2. In reading through several threads it seems a lot of people use the 4 x 3 Avery labels (vinyl/weatherproof/paper, etc) and...