OK update on this: I called and got bounced around 3 times and ended up back again (surprise, surprise) with the CT Department of Consumer Protection, speaking to an inspector.
Register for a FEIN (federal employer id number - tax purposes) - Free
Register my business name with the state for sales and use -
$102.50 fee (
100 for the registration,
2.50 for the filing charge)
1) I need to
take a course on process authority online from Cornell University -
$$$ fee
2) I need to
register with the FDA if I want to sell online outside the state (which is pretty much a given) -
$$$ fee
3) I need to
register for a UPC for each recipe I finalize to make -
$$$ fee
4) I need to
detail the entire packaging process from start to re-boxing for the recipe in specific:
A detailed list of ingredients in order of predominance, with secondary ingredients in ( )'s ie: chocolate bar (coco, soy, etc)
A detailed list of steps from opening the ingredients to bottling to sealing to boxing
A detailed list of allergens found on the FDA website that may be in the product (even trace)
5) I need a
label approved by the FDA with the above info (see step 4)
6) I need to
rent or construct a storage area for the packed boxes of product in an area that is:
concrete floor (no carpeting)
off limits to pets or children
off the floor (shelving)
climate controlled (not too hot or cold)
No restriction on transportation as long as the product is individually sealed (ie: shrink banded bottles is fine)
Seek product liablilty for the business (not per product) incase someone gets sick or injured -
$$$ fee
9) Before I sell the final product I need to
seek a Food Manufacturing License -
$$$ fee
Other pointers of note from the inspector:
- On the use of ANY rented or licensed resteraunt kitchen: the entire area I use or that food comes in contact with, including the sink, tables or instruments / appliances MUST be re-cleaned prior to use by me, as I will ultimately fall responsible for it being clean (even though the resteraunt may clean it great the night before it closes, I can't prove they did it).
- Any ingredients not used for the batch or batches that day cannot be reused if it is produce (peppers, etc). I tried asking if it's ok if it's mash and she said "better to be safe than sorry with that, so only bring what you plan to use, even if it means making a few bottles short of your target."