Search results

  1. J

    200 mixed pods 55.00, 120 for 33.00

    As always super nice pods. Thanks for the "Hawaii" bit, but you are safe I think I am done for the year. Happy Holidays to you and the Family...
  2. J

    2 iowa boxes,17$ each(one left closing at 430 today)

    I might be interested in one of your medium boxes you got coming up next week.
  3. J

    for-sale Just picked for sale reopened 3 boxes

    Nice and colorful... Can't wait for order to arrive... Hit up this deal guys, super deal from a super cool guy...
  4. J

    *SOLD* Ultimate Fresh Pepper MFRB - 95 Diff Varieties Labeled+Bonus Powder/Seeds $70 Shipped

    If you going to do the SFRB again, I'm still interested. Would love to do this but $80 is not in my budget at this time...
  5. J

    2 SFRB's - Seed Saver Collection - 50 Diff Varieties LABELED + Bonus Powder/Seeds $25 Each **SOLD**

    Ok well that is fine. Since most of the pods will be used for seeds anyway. As for the customs what I understand is it is only outgoing (from Hawaii to Mainland). Just got an email today from peppersbymail and that is why he currently doesn't send to Hawaii, they had a package mis-routed to...
  6. J

    2 SFRB's - Seed Saver Collection - 50 Diff Varieties LABELED + Bonus Powder/Seeds $25 Each **SOLD**

    If they are anything like the last two boxes I am in. Only problem I re-read your original post and at first I didn't see the "lower 48". I'm in Hawaii so I guess that leaves me out or is there a way I can still get in on this deal? 
  7. J

    Information on CGN 25166

    Thank you for all the info and replys. Jcw10tc yes I Got the seeds from you, and no worries its all good. Happy growings everyone!!!
  8. J

    Information on CGN 25166

    Trying to find information on CGN 25166 peppers. Any help would be appreciated...
  9. J

    One more SASBE GiveAway - Closed

    If this offer is still open, I would like to get some... Aloha and Mahalo...
  10. J

    free SASE Free Seed Offer

    If still avalible could you count me in.
  11. J

    SASBE seed giveaway. --CLOSED--

    If still avaliable I wold like to get some?
  12. J

    Thanksgiving Give Away - Winner Announced

    Wish Hawaii was included... 375
  13. J

    Thanksgiving Give Away - Winner Announced

    Wish Hawaii was included... 375