02-19-08 Pepper Pictures

I knew it was either baccatum or pubescens so I just took a guess...thanks Potawie...should have remembered pubescens from "puberty" and hairy....oh well

and thank you LD

answer to question about saving seeds for next year from straticus...I will probably try and save some seeds, but I don't know how successful I will be in keeping the strain pure...~ 200 plants of 100 species in an area 50 feet long and about 35 feet wide...I will definitely bag some I want to keep pure....
McIlhaney Tabasco

I had to post this picture. The McIlhaney Tabascos that PRF was so gracious to send me are one of my best growing if not the best growing seedlings I have planted....very healthy and growing by leaps and bounds

ABurningMouth said:
Holy Crap!
Wow you're my hero.

:lol:....remember, that plant is in a 9 ounce plastic cup...got a good belly laugh going here.......

And this is my thousandth post.....:party:....:beer:
Congrats on your Thousandth!
AlabamaJack said:
:lol:....remember, that plant is in a 9 ounce plastic cup...got a good belly laugh going here.......

I know, I use them too.
I was commenting on the first picture in this thread mostly, because it's the first time I saw it.
ABurningMouth said:
Congrats on your Thousandth!

I know, I use them too.
I was commenting on the first picture in this thread mostly, because it's the first time I saw it.

OK...understand now...the first picture is the results of my February 2008 Project thread...

You have got a GREAT SETUP!!! :onfire: Thanks for the pictures and keep them coming, I never tier of pepper pics :lol: Besides you're pics always seem to show me what I can try to achieve...

Superhots...26 days from seed...it's amazing how similar the leaves are at this stage of development.


Dang AJ, that's looking great! Definitely keep the pics coming - love the pics..

I can't wait 'til it is consistently warmer here in North TX. I want to put my babies outside..
Yes sir, I am right with you on that...I am going to have a bunch of "extra" seedlings left when I plant outside. Probably won't be any of my superhots but there will be over 100 that will either go in the compost bin or I will give away. If you are interested, shoot me a pm and we can find out how to get them too you once I start planting out.