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09 so far

So I may have gotten a bit of a late start on the season this year, but i think if i got started any earlier there'd be no room left for the plants cause theyd be so big ha.

But the majority of my seeds have sprouted now, along with a bunch of plants that decided they didnt want to wait for everything else to get big.

the seedlings in the tray on top are the jalapeno's, bhut jolokia, big jim, pumpkin hab, 5 color marble

the ones you can see below it in the cups are a few more pumpkin hab, some golden nugget, and more 5 color marble. the ones that are next to those are the sweet bananna and on the right are the tabasco



below: along the back against the light are the long slim reds that started first in front of them are the habaneros

theres a few jalapenos in the cup together im gonna seperate soon, and in the bottom left are golden nugget, and the bottom right are some tomatos


and you cant really tell as well as i thought you could but theres some branches and more foliage finally about to sprout out of those reds


I'm still waiting on more of my california wonder bells and the pimento peppers to sprout to move them from the tray. But thats my big update!
yea i have to spin them around every few days to make sure they dont all grow slanted, it isnt so bad tho cause they have lights above them as well as on the side. i dont think you can see it but theres foil on the ends to help balance that out as well.

i was just talkin about that yesterday cause our kitchen plant was trying to grow to the blinds to get some more light ha.
hey all. But what do u mean a late start. Is it late for pepper growing. Or just the trading season. Kinda new, my first season growing and i only have 6 plants just sprouting. And More seeds on the way. Am i to late.
peppermanbaha said:
hey all. But what do u mean a late start. Is it late for pepper growing. Or just the trading season. Kinda new, my first season growing and i only have 6 plants just sprouting. And More seeds on the way. Am i to late.

your cool, we are jsut finishing here so you guys over there should be getting up and going about now! Your good mate!
the area i'm in i could have sewn seeds around mid january, then everything would be the size of the long slim reds at least. then when i go plant out i'd have a great jumpstart on the season. but ya know, you learn a little each year, right?
yea i think at the end of this season i'm gonna do i giant seed harvest so i have a bunch from every variety i have so i can do some trade and just expand on my collection
peppermanbaha said:
Am i to late.

smart ass answer....I don't know, are you?

real answer...I don't think there is such a thing as a season in the Bahamas...with the average summertime temp of 84F and wintertime 75F...you are a great place to grow peppers...any time of the year
I was kind of thinking the same thing AJ. Is there a non-growing season in the Bahama's? I don't think so.

AllXbutXgone you may have to finish off a couple of yours inside. Wish you the best.
yea youre right, but i plan on overwintering quite a few of them so it may work out in my favor. plus i get the feeling we're going to have kind of a long summer here this year, hopefully i'll be right on that one.
so its finally started to get warm and the night temperatures have finally risen enough that i got to put my first group of plants outside to see how they react before i just move everything out at once. so the next few days should be fun, im gonna spend a portion of my weekend moving the rest of the bigger plants outside and repotting all those little guys into real pots to be put out too.

bout time ha
a lot of repotting and putting plants out today. all the bhuts, 5 color marble, and a bunch of others are all outside, i had to set up a card table against the house so there was some shade because i put some out on the picnic table a few hours before sunset and just left them there the next morning and a bunch of them got sunscalded. so in the interest of not toasting all my plants, ill give them a few days to get into the sun. i'll take pictures after i finish putting them outside and figuring out how to make them all fit haha.
so i built a pepper shanty town because it decided to storm right after i put all my plants outside and i didnt want them to drown ha. my little contraption slid over the table and right under the awning by my kitchen window.
it was so bright i could get a good picture of the whole thing



it seems like quite a few of my golden nuggets turned purple
there was one in the pot that was purple then the rest of them turned ha, i should seperate them so they can actually grow


i just wish the picture looked as cool as it actually looks.
so everything seems to be doing well since i put up that tarp to help with shade and protect from the weather, till it blew down last night haha. thankfully it didnt take any of the plants down with it.

i have to figure out something to do to help with the wind now, its blowin at around 22mph right now and it keeps blowin plants over.
Sounds like your gettnig some annoying weather down there. The rest of the week and into the weekend should be nice though.
ah yes youre quite right its supposed to work its way back up into the 70's this weekend, but i guess a bit of natural rain for watering was probably a good thing.