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1st Ripe Naga of '08!


Finally, after all these months of impatiently waiting, I've gotten to eat my first Naga of the season. It was beautiful moment in the garden for me. I gently plucked the sinister red pod off, gave her a boot camp spit shine to remove some dirt, and chewed it up with glee as I so badly thirsted for that burn of a fresh pepper. Of course this was against my wife's warnings as she giggled with that your going to pain for it laughter. It was awesome, after a minute my mouth and throat got that nice sting like I just injested 3 stinging bees and I promptly headed for the house to drink a couple glasses of milk to ease the pain:)
Pepp3rFreak said:
Finally, after all these months of impatiently waiting, I've gotten to eat my first Naga of the season. It was beautiful moment in the garden for me. I gently plucked the sinister red pod off, gave her a boot camp spit shine to remove some dirt, and chewed it up with glee as I so badly thirsted for that burn of a fresh pepper. Of course this was against my wife's warnings as she giggled with that your going to pain for it laughter. It was awesome, after a minute my mouth and throat got that nice sting like I just injested 3 stinging bees and I promptly headed for the house to drink a couple glasses of milk to ease the pain:)

Dude I'm so freakin jealous!!!

Thats a bee-utiful lookin pepper!

Waiting for a ripe pod on my Naga's is killin me!

They just HAVE to be close to ripe. They are direct descendants of your Naga's from last season so are prolly the same generation and genetically the same. They have pretty much the same climate too.

I cant say that when I get my first ripe one I'm gonna pick it and eat the thing right on the spot, though. Thats a touch too hard core for me :-)

Hey, once they first start to change color how long does it take to get fully ripe?
Once you see them getting that dark brownish color you can expect it to be fully red in about a week I've found. Don't worry brother, you'll be picking some deadly pods soon!

btw, I regretted eating that pepper like that as I was unprepared and I thought my head was going to explode or my stomach from all the milk I was consuming :) I need to rebuild my tolerance and I thought since I had a ripe habanerro the day prior I could handle with no problem, bwhaaahha I was wrong and I almost cried like a lil girl who dropped her lolipop in the dirt. :)
Pepp3rFreak said:
Once you see them getting that dark brownish color you can expect it to be fully red in about a week I've found. Don't worry brother, you'll be picking some deadly pods soon!

btw, I regretted eating that pepper like that as I was unprepared and I thought my head was going to explode or my stomach from all the milk I was consuming :) I need to rebuild my tolerance and I thought since I had a ripe habanerro the day prior I could handle with no problem, bwhaaahha I was wrong and I almost cried like a lil girl who dropped her lolipop in the dirt. :)

I ate a small piece of an unripe Naga a few days ago (couldnt resist) and it was
horrifying. I use my caribbean red/naga sauce on everything and figured I had a tolerance.

Turns out I was just deluded/retarded. Even unripe it was devastating...
Nice looking pods:). I ate a whole mini naga this year by accident. I had it labelled as a tobago seasoning so I wasn't expecting much heat but it had me in tears rolling around in the grass:mouthonfire:
Perfect nice pod size blood red naga. Wow, I bet that was HOT! I have yet to eat a whole naga pod yet and my tolerance is getting way up there. Really naughty and nice naga you got there.
No peppers on the Nagas or Bhuts yet, but some other meanies like the Red Savina are sportin' baby peppers, so I'll be able to enjoy something really hot quite soon!


Yours looks really mean and it looks as if you got lots more coming your way!!
Skyjerk said:
Does winter run extra long in "somewhere over the rainbow" or did you just get a late start?

:lol: yeah I'm up in the clouds sitting on a rainbow somewhere in England. I started them in January but still no pods, even the ones I started late in the season last year were quicker than this and they weren't in a greenhouse. I'm a patient lass though.
rainbowberry said:
I'm a patient lass though.

Thats a good quality. I wish I was a patient lad, but I'm not.
I'm probably 2 weeks at the most out from ripe pods on my caribbean red's and my naga morich and I cant barely stand it :onfire:
Pepperfreak said:
That is soooo cool...BTW that is a great great photo, I'm thinking of using it as my computer's wallpaper.

Thanks! It's really not that good honestly, it's from a nice Canon Digital SLR I just picked up for an uber deal (Canon XT kit for $300 at Sears on clearance), but the lens is a stock one and I have yet to receive my high end one. Heck if you like I'd be glad to get some good quality pics and send them to you in large format so they'd make a good wallpaper. :)
Wow, that is a beautiful pepper.

Hey would anyone here be willing to ship me a Naga pod just so I can try one? I had a seedling that the yard keepers totally destroyed and I was so wanting to try one. Id be willing to compnesate for shipping if anyone would be willing. Or maybe a trade when my Scorpion plant gives me pods.
Necrocannibal said:
Wow, that is a beautiful pepper.

Hey would anyone here be willing to ship me a Naga pod just so I can try one? I had a seedling that the yard keepers totally destroyed and I was so wanting to try one. Id be willing to compnesate for shipping if anyone would be willing. Or maybe a trade when my Scorpion plant gives me pods.

I'll be more than happy once I have ripe pods, but someone will prolly beat me to it. If not then send me a PM with your address.

I'm still a week or two away from ripe pods.
Nice looking Naga!! I started mine late, but my Naga plant is starting to load up on buds now. I know it's just a matter of time!!:hell: Also, I have a high tolerance, but I still eat things that kick me in the face on occasion. I guess I look forward to my future ripe peppers kicking me!:lol: