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2010 smackdown

If I am growing the plants for the smackdown, I'm in....

first ripe pod? most production? tallest?

what variety are you talking about?...
I've already started all my chinenses so I'm likely out.
Is it a comparison or a contest this year, and what's the rules/criteria going to be?
year before last it was the Naga Morich....this past year it was the Fatalii...both chinense....so I guess those two are out...how about a Scorpion smackdown...Derek, you could plant a couple more Scorpions couldn't you?

Would be great to see all the different pod shapes/sizes/color of the pods and we could all vote at the end of the season for the "prettiest" pod....we may come up with a "THP only" variety that can be shared amongst the participants...
I guess I could Ronnie but its already the middle of January which is when I prefer to have all my chinenses started by. I'll try to play along with whatever happens:)
I think to be a "THP only" variety, we would need a unique variety or cross that nobody else has, but that could be intereting too.
cool...did you start any scorpions by any chance?...if we do it the way I said by judging the "prettiest pod" at the seasons end...say....voting middle of December, then it wouldn't make any difference as to when you started the seeds...

who kows, we may come up with a good looking, large scorpion...most of my truly tailed scorpions have been small....I would love to have a scorpion the size of the trini 7 pot I grow...huge pods...
Is it too much for me to push the scorpion? I think they are the coolest pods on earth....sooooooo

This offer only valid for those participating in the throwdown...

I don't mean to hijack your thread Serrano, but I will make a deal...I saved seeds from my best tailed scorpions and just counted...I have about 250....I will only use about 150 of them....that leaves somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 seeds I can let go of...free with a SASE...you pay the postage, you get the seeds...5 at a time should insure you at least 2-3 plants....the seeds are fresh and just have finished air drying...

I would love to see others grow these scorpions to see what kind of plants/fruit they produce in a different area...and there would be a lot of us growing from the same seed....
pm me your address and we will see what we can do....
cool, the more the merrier
AlabamaJack said:
cool...did you start any scorpions by any chance?...if we do it the way I said by judging the "prettiest pod" at the seasons end...say....voting middle of December, then it wouldn't make any difference as to when you started the seeds...

I do have 2 Trinidad scorpion-BT plants just starting so I guess I'm all in, as long as rules/criteria are clearly stated so future problems and debates don't arise. I also have a few secret tricks for making cool looking pods with this particular variety;)
December sounds quite late for voting since most people won't have plants going much after Sept/Oct, but I guess that's when pods thrive in the south, so whatever works for everyone.
AlabamaJack said:
Is it too much for me to push the scorpion? I think they are the coolest pods on earth....sooooooo

This offer only valid for those participating in the throwdown...

I don't mean to hijack your thread Serrano, but I will make a deal...I saved seeds from my best tailed scorpions and just counted...I have about 250....I will only use about 150 of them....that leaves somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 seeds I can let go of...free with a SASE...you pay the postage, you get the seeds...5 at a time should insure you at least 2-3 plants....the seeds are fresh and just have finished air drying...

I would love to see others grow these scorpions to see what kind of plants/fruit they produce in a different area...and there would be a lot of us growing from the same seed....

I was hedging a little, but this put me over the top. If it's Scorpions - I'M IN!

I was gonna plant some ButchT but I just looked at my seeds a little closer and they REALLY got mangled by the PO. I'm not sure there's one viable seed left - all are at least cracked if not shattered. What a friggin waste.:(

So, AJ, I'd be honored to try yours here in Virginia. PM on the way!:)
I think there will be no arguments Derek...it is a very simple throwdown...majority vote for the pod each person likes...as far as who is voting...we can either limit it to the participants or open it up for the public....OR.....we could have two polls...one for the growers and one for the observers...

as far as numbr of entries, that will have to be discussed but we could have two per person?...is that too much? entries must be labelled clearly such as Entry 1 and Entry 2 :doh:....

I don't know how many people will participate but that really should be manageable I would think....

Derek, I hereby nominate you to be the chairman of the 2010 throwdown...you up for that? I will help any way I can...
since it is just the pod everyone likes the best anytime is ok to start...voting time still up in the air but I am sure I won't have any ripe pods to amount to anything until late October..