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2010 smackdown

Not me, I already tried to organize another smackdown and it failed. I really don't need any more insults and complications, I just want to be a participant this time
My plants will be dead by the end of October, so Nov 1 or later works for me.
are there any volunteers to be the chairman...

seems I remember the troubles that came up Derek...no problem...
Sound like a popularity vote for the prettiest pod. Nothing like winning a smackdown and getting no respect. I am not going to participate in your prettiest scorpion pod smackdown but I would like to help judge this thing. I know all the qualities of a beautiful scorpion and would like to volunteer my skills as last years winner. This is the least I can do and will also keep me out of your smackdown if I'm a judge.
I was kind of hoping that you would participate PRF. It would be cool to have your Pods in the midst of the competition. Are you sure you won't reconsider?
I hope you were saying "no respect" tongue in cheek PRF...you know yourself you are one of the best growers on this forum...and you DID beat my ass last year...and I lost the year before too...

I was just making some suggestions that would be fair to others...

any one else got any ideas?

the scorpion idea was mine but the original smackdown idea was Serranos and I have all but hijacked his thread...
I see a possible problem with the 2 entry system mentioned. I might have lots of pics but wouldn't want to show them until the very end of my plants' life in case better pods develop. If this is the case, the smackdown would only really be popular from September to December
After all the heat I got last year for winning the Fatalii first ripe pod smackdown, what is more black and white that that. I already know I grow beautiful looking scorpion pods and don't need to enter a smackdown to confirm that. I also grow very fast Fatalii pods from seed.:lol: I would like more to be ya'll judge since I am the reining smackdown champion.
suggest something else...I am just brainstormin here....

OK...we gotta come up with another word for this yearly event we have when everyone grows the same varieties...

smackdown won't work because it inherently implies competition...

comparison didn't work last year either...

how 'bout if we simply call it "a few people are going to grow some scorpions and post pictures of their plants/pods/and crops?" or AFPAGTGSSAPPOTPPAC for short
I'm just brainstorming too but I think its important to clarify from the beginning that once again this smackdown is not about earliest pod
But last year was ALL about earliest pod Potawie, here you go again trying to belittle my Fatalii smackdown win. This year is different, not earliest pod since you cannot win that.
There's no use arguing PRF, you have your ideas about what last year's comparison was about, I have mine. The old threads are still there for all to read. I thought it was clearly a full growing comparison while you obviously thought it was about first pod. I'm sorry if I was misleading or offended you but thats the way I see it and that's why we need clear rules from the beginning this time
I would like to be part of this - Competition or Comparison: I'm in.

What are the rules on Hybrids and Colours?

Well whatever you guys come up with I'd be interested in a Scorpion whatever thingy! :) Perhaps we just see who grows the biggest baddest evilest looking pod and have the community vote?
Count me in. I've always got room for more Scorpions. Whatever is decided, I just want to show off my plants. AJ, thanks for offering up a standardized set of seed. I hope everyone participates and we all have a great season.