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fermenting 2014 Harvest Ferments

Well, I started two ferments on Friday, 120514.  Needed to clear out some space from the freezer, I am sure nobody on here is familiar with the feeling ;).
First up is my 3 gallon carboy with BT Scorpions and a double handful of Brown Morougas, all smoked with hickory, inoculated with White Labs L. delbruekii and dosed with a little agave to get it going.

 Then, in 1 gallon carboy, mostly charapita yellows with a handful of large yellow 7 pots and a couple of yellow ghosts, vial of White labs and dose of agave, pictured here behind the 3 gallon.
AldenMiller said:
That should have cleared up lots of room in the freezer!
Yeah, quite a bit.  Used up about 8 gallon freezer bags of the Scorpions, and Two Gallon Freezer bags of the Yellow Stuff, mostly charapitas.
Now that's some serious ferment there. How long are you planning to run them before you decide to process?

Last year, I fermented my gallon carboy for a month and it turned out really well, I will probably go a little longe this time, sinc I left some of the charapitas whole. Not sure on the big one. Probably at least two months.
Is it a pain in the ass getting the peppers through the narrow carboy neck? Messy?
it was last year, but I have a carboy size funnel this time, which helps a lot. Still got quite a bit of cap on my hands, though. What really got me was when I ran the dishwasher with my utensils, container, and blender that was used while smoking the peppers. I opened it mid cycle for some reason or other. Got a lungful of pepper steam.
Don't think I mentioned it above, but used 5% non iodized salt brine.