• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

2016 Grow Start

Been starting some seeds, the first is the Jalapeno, used fresh from the Red ones and only 50% came up, glad I soaked them first to see who would sprout. Planted them in soil and they have come up so , so far so good :)
My Aji Lemon after a long struggle with Aphids  is finally looking good, so Im breathing easier now with him :)

Update. Growing nice since starting from seed this year.
5" pots, big difference I did this year was allot more fertilization, last year I used 1L of Neptunes for the whole year. This year have used 3L so far of a diff Organic fish emulsifier, have anothe 1L of another brand to try out.

Dont know what these are the labels lost some time ago.
Picked some Burningbush Peppers for the first time, tried it, man was that hot, was surprised actually, hotter then a Thai, had to eat a couple dried figs to kill the heat.
Was a nice juicy crunch with some nice taste then a rush of thick heat that went to the back of my throat, I forgot what the specific taste was as was just shocked at the rush of heat, will try again later +now that I know what to expect.
(The aftertaste burp is that like a Habanero)
Rest of the peppers coming in nicely.



Jamaican Yellow Pepper

Scotch Bonnet

El Hefe Pepper
Temps have dropped to 1c, frost this morning, plants have been in my Kitchen for the last two days, will put them out tomorrow, lows supposed to be 5c
El Jefe's are real nice, dehydrating a mix of Jamaican/Scotch and Burning Bush Habs.


Thanks to Brooklyn Ken found out the Real type of pepper these are is the Cheiro Roxa Pepper
So their supposed to be ripe when they turn a bit apricot in color and the heat of a Hab, that explains the low heat when I tried a Purple one, thought that's when their ripe. Haven't tried another on yet.



My Roatan Pumpkin Habaneros are coming along real nice, nice pumpkin color, havent tried them yet, have them inside in hoping their going to ripen nicely. since its cool outside the peppers not ripening much.
The Red Habaneros also gorgeous, picked a couple already but have not tried them, soon :)
